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The end of the world may not be as far as we think it is.

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posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 10:03 PM
While this war hasn't ended our nation, and, no European nations have lost their sovereignty to Al-quaeda, this war may cost us something else far greater than our economy and allowing our government to be corrupt. We may lose our humanity in the process. It seems like every day we are blared with news about the war. We are told about how things are going. We worry about how people are doing in Iraq. And, all of this is making us mad, it made us fear the terrorists, now we don't fear them so much anymore. How many of you really cared about politics before the war on terror? How many of you were interested in the world outside you before 9-11? You may have known that there were wars that were going on, you may have known about Kosovo, but I don't think that any of you were following the wars so closely as we are now.

You were probably just living life out like I was. I try to avoid as much news about the war in Iraq as I can. I try not to read articles about the war on Iraq in the newspaper and I am refraining from watching the news on television for anything except what's relevant to me. I just think that this war has taken over our life in a way. We have become exposed to politics more than ever before, but, I just think that we need to find a solution to this problem, so we can return to our normal way of life.

I bet that all of you want to live your life without worrying so much about what's going to happen to our army and our home. What we want is a victory. Not only would a victory boost our moral but it would allow us to return to our normal-lifestyle.

I think that if this war continues on for a lot longer and there isn't really a clear-winner that the end of the world we knew when we were younger will come, and, we will live in a new world, a new world where we constantly fear violence, and we fear terrorists, everywhere we go, we would always be fearing something. The old world where we would be happy and not have much to fear would be gone and it would be replaced by this new world where we would be constantly worrying.

I want life to be back to normal. Even if you don't think about politics or try not to you know how much this war has affected everyone around you. You know what this war is doing to people. If we don't somehow manage to win we won't be able to return to the lifestyle that we had before. If that happens, then, we will have lost.

I'm just thinking that the Bush administration could be making this war intentionally drag out so long so they could demoralize us. That would be the first step in his plan. I think it's all part of some scheme so they can control our minds, and, really hurt us so we can be more easily controlled.

What do you think?

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 10:35 PM
i believe...what people need to do now is to start being aware of whats happening around the world. They are too busy with their own Life...that's alright...for we all know that we have problems to take care it working for money to survive or anything else.

i myself didn't bother about what is happening around the world when i was schooling. to me, that was already enough to make me busy and not to bother about other things rather than my Life.

but ever since i have graduated, my mind is free and i began questioning and exploring certain areas in my Life like...whatever topics had been posted here.

If people's minds are too clouded with so many things, the only way to catch their attention is only when something bad or something that they dun see everyday...happens to them, which is of course can be related to any one of the topics ATS has.

well...most of us usually dun bother with smth that doesn't involve us. to be more precise...actually it does...just indirectly that is....but just not directly so we dun feel the effect of it immediately but in the long run...yes. and becos of that, most people dun bother.

i only HOPE that more people are AWAKEN or to rephrase MORE AWARE and stop accepting whatever they are being spoon-fed with.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 10:40 PM
"We may lose our humanity in the process."

having allowed this war to continue, we have!

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 12:23 AM
I would not be happy if we win this evil, unjust, illegal war. I personally hope we lose. We deserve too. We cooked phony intelligence to make a case for a war that was a BIG lie. I hate to say this but I could tell right from the start what was going on sitting in my living room watching TV. It just amazed me that most americans eat it up (all the propaganda), because thats what it was. I knew we would attack Iraqi come hell or High water, I thought it was all about the oil at the time and that the whole thing was quite obvious, "Peak Oil" was upon us. I hate to tell you this but we are not leaving Iraqi, anytime soon since most of the money that was spent there was used to build atleast 4 state of the art military basees. If we are leaving why build permenant bases? Do you know that there are about 160 countries in the world and we have bases in 130 of them, and the local populations around these bases are continually dealing with racial slurrs and rape from our military pesonel.
I realize that there are alot of honorable people who enlisted to serve the country that they think they love. If only they really knew what this country is about maybe they would give a war some day no one would show up. I feel very badly for the vets. as they have been more betrayed
than the average american. Do you know they are attempting suicide at a rate of 1,000/month. The figures the VA put out are a sham as a memo for one of the head Dr. was exposed. It began with SHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! meaning keep this quite but some how it was exposed. Finally, and I Know this will agitate alot of you more, but I would stake my life on the fact that 911, that so called terrorist attack was a false flag operation conducted by the moussad and the cia. I don't have time to go into the details now but believe me anyone with 1/2 a brain and ability to be honest with themselves and who wants to know the truth just has to go to google video and type in 911 conspiracy and watch the videos and I promise there will be no doubt in you mind as to what really took place on 911. I an ashamed to be an american mainly because most people either don't give a damm or are in denial. Until we all wake up from this mass delusion we will continue to harm others and ourselves. You know what they say, pay back is a bitch! And this country is on the verge of financial collapse. Sorry for all the bad news but someone has to interject reality into this mess.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 12:23 AM
I would not be happy if we win this evil, unjust, illegal war. I personally hope we lose. We deserve too. We cooked phony intelligence to make a case for a war that was a BIG lie. I hate to say this but I could tell right from the start what was going on sitting in my living room watching TV. It just amazed me that most americans eat it up (all the propaganda), because thats what it was. I knew we would attack Iraqi come hell or High water, I thought it was all about the oil at the time and that the whole thing was quite obvious, "Peak Oil" was upon us. I hate to tell you this but we are not leaving Iraqi, anytime soon since most of the money that was spent there was used to build atleast 4 state of the art military basees. If we are leaving why build permenant bases? Do you know that there are about 160 countries in the world and we have bases in 130 of them, and the local populations around these bases are continually dealing with racial slurrs and rape from our military pesonel.
I realize that there are alot of honorable people who enlisted to serve the country that they think they love. If only they really knew what this country is about maybe they would give a war some day no one would show up. I feel very badly for the vets. as they have been more betrayed
than the average american. Do you know they are attempting suicide at a rate of 1,000/month. The figures the VA put out are a sham as a memo for one of the head Dr. was exposed. It began with SHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! meaning keep this quite but some how it was exposed. Finally, and I Know this will agitate alot of you more, but I would stake my life on the fact that 911, that so called terrorist attack was a false flag operation conducted by the moussad and the cia. I don't have time to go into the details now but believe me anyone with 1/2 a brain and ability to be honest with themselves and who wants to know the truth just has to go to google video and type in 911 conspiracy and watch the videos and I promise there will be no doubt in you mind as to what really took place on 911. I an ashamed to be an american mainly because most people either don't give a damm or are in denial. Until we all wake up from this mass delusion we will continue to harm others and ourselves. You know what they say, pay back is a bitch! And this country is on the verge of financial collapse. Sorry for all the bad news but someone has to interject reality into this mess.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 12:32 AM
You know what is really sick?
I would welcome it.

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