posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 03:53 PM
Talking about reptilians is certainly not banned here. In fact it can be a very interesting topic when discussed.
However, what is not allowed here is knowingly posting false information, and unfortunately in recent memory the two DID become closely associated,
which was a real shame.
There were people who insisted on making outrageous claims and offering no evidence whatsoever. When pressed for evidence the replies would either be
"Well, if you don't believe this, you're an idiot, or one of them" OR a poorly compressed YouTube video that just made people laugh.
So in a nutshell what happened was when a member would see a new thread with reptilian in the subject line they would come to expect outrageous claims
with no evidence.
I don't know why people insisted on doing that. Maybe it was a concerted effort by people to make the "reptilian" believers look stupid by posting
ridiculous threads? We can't know for sure.
Here at ATS we certainly encourage such discussion but call it what it is. Discussion, speculation etc. Posting a thread claiming that someone
specific is a reptilian and putting up a doctored or poorly compressed youtube video and claiming that to be solid evidence is going to get deleted.