When searching the title (and "Jodhpur radioactive") I didn't find a thread in the top 3 that started recently, and I believe I have a unique
enough perspective on it. The origins of the oldest (organized) religion are most important; enough to automatically render suspect any tales in/of
subsequent religions (as I see it). Here's today's blog entry:
Strange how I just became of aware of this recently; and strangely in tandem with my reading Salman Rushdie's MIDNIGHT'S CHILDREN (set in and
largely about India): There's a 3-square-miles area of HIGHLY radioactive ash 10 miles west of Jodhpur, Rajasthan. It appears to verify the ancient
Mahabharata; a forerunner of Vedic (Hindu) scripture. (Oldest is the Rig Veda). Here's the relevant (alleged?) quote:
"A single projectile charged with all the power in the Universe...An incandescent column of smoke and flame as bright as 10,000 suns, rose in all its
splendor...it was an unknown weapon, an iron thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death which reduced to ashes an entire race.
"The corpses were so burned as to be unrecognizable. Their hair and nails fell out, pottery broke without any apparent cause, and the birds turned
"After a few hours, all foodstuffs were infected. To escape from this fire, the soldiers threw themselves into the river."
The account purportedly or apparently describes the genocide/extinction of the Vrishni and Andakha "races."
The implication of this unprecedented find (if true) is astronomically bigger than virtually everyone (globally) is aware of now: We have, for the
first time ever, hard evidence to verify a significant component of truth (of a staggeringly powerfully unexplained event) in an ancient writing of an
organized religion! Of course it makes most sense that the oldest religion would most qualify... THERE ARE SIMILAR ENOUGH VEDIC ACCOUNTS OF ATOMIC
DEVASTATION! Even if the Mahabharata has been or will be (convincingly) debunked, the radiation evidence still applies to Hindus; therefore
[That's not putting Hinduism as we know it on a pedestal. The godawfully oppressive caste system (that's supposed to be illegal) and other horrors
like female infanticide can safely prevent any notions of Gandhi-like "godliness" having major influence among Hindu Indians... Any scientific
breakthrough the magnitude of formally Contacting a nonhuman intelligence (at least eventually) will far transcend any organized/named religion].
The obvious 2, entirely scientific/normal possibilities of the Jodhpur find are: time travel (by someone decidedly evil/amoral in this case) from our
nuclear age to their time or, even more incredibly (to me), a similarly-evolved civilization as ours (that apparently existed alongside primitive
people) of which, somehow, there is almost ZERO evidence (at least as yet) of its existence!
Could I possibly be making a fool of myself? Is this too good to be true? If the radiation is as it appears, and it doesn't bolster the overall
anti-nuclear position, I don't know what else would.