posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 10:15 PM
Hello and welcome ya'll.
This is an account of the few sightings I have had over my lifetime living in California.
The very first time I saw something strange was before I even had any knowledge of the UFO phenomenon that was gaining momentum. I had no
knowledge/interest in alternate history, UFOs, metaphysics, conspiracies, etc.
My home is the Bay Area and I went to school in the Los Angeles area so I would drive up and down the I-5 (runs north/south) all the time, mostly at
night to avoid the slew of horrid drivers and the heat. On one break from school my girlfriend, close friend, and myself were driving north towards
the Bay Area. I cannot remember the time exactly, but it was pretty late into the night and this is what we saw:
At first we saw 3 very distinct lights, in recollection they were amberish in color (but I cannot remember clearly) and were spread far apart. I could
not gauge the size/distance/etc. but they seemed close enough to be in the vicinity. What caught our attention, as I'm sure many people who have had
sightings can account for, was the way they moved. Unlike any aerial vehicle that I had encountered before, they were moving so... weird. When you see
something like this, you feel the hair on your neck stand up. I was both fascinated and fearful enough that my andrenalin started pumping and both my
friend and girlfriend were in the same state. I was driving so they had a nice show which lasted about 5 minutes.
The 3 lights came closer and closer together and, in formation, they were flying at ungodly speeds... what made us really start paying attention was
when they started to accelerate in one direction then hit aprupt, acute angles and accelerate the other way... the way they would slow down then burst
back into speed then zig-zag around made my heart race. I could not fathom what we were witnessing.
The 3 lights came so close together it started to dawn on me that it was possibly one object and not 3! The lights formed a tight equilateral triangle
from our perspective (the lights, while "separated" started in our northern field of vision then moved to our right which was east). Out the right
side of the car this triangle of lights zoomed past us and was to our southeast which is when I lost sight of it, but when my friend and girlfriend
started to trip out and started to scream (excitedly rather than fearfully), the vehicle flew past us on our eastern side going north so fast and so
close to the ground I could not understand how it was not hitting telephone/electric poles, scattered trees, and whatever else debris that was 15-30
feet of the ground. At this point our windows were open to get a better view, so when it flew past in the darkness so fast... I was blown away that it
was utterly silent. Perhaps the sound of driving on the freeway was loud enough to mask it, but at the speeds it was hitting, I figured we would hear
something. Nada!
I forgot to mention that before it went southeast of us, the thing was morphing (for lack of a better explanation). The lights kept... sucking into
the central part and expanding inward than outward as it flew in the southern direction to our east. If anybody know's I-5, the exits are few and far
between, and by the time I found an exit the show was over and it was gone. In recollection, I cannot remember how the show ended, only that all three
of us had never seen such a thing and we were... quite literally blown away.
[edit on 26-6-2008 by astronomine]