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Why didn't Cheney have the Pentagon evacuated?

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posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by jerico65
... What about Andrews AFB? Sure, they aren't in downtown DC, but they are close. Could they a target? ...

Glad you brought that up. Does anyone know what the role of Andrews AFB actually is? Go to their website and look it up. Their role is to protect DC in the event of an air attack.

Do you know how far Andrews AFB is from the Pentagon? I looked it up with my GPS software one time. It's about 16 miles BY CAR. An F-16 taking off from Andrews AFB would barely have time to get it's landing gear up before it would be over the Pentagon.
(Exaggerated, but not by much.)

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 09:32 AM
BTW Very good observation OP ...

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by sir_chancealot

Originally posted by jerico65
... What about Andrews AFB? Sure, they aren't in downtown DC, but they are close. Could they a target? ...

Glad you brought that up. Does anyone know what the role of Andrews AFB actually is? Go to their website and look it up. Their role is to protect DC in the event of an air attack.

Do you know how far Andrews AFB is from the Pentagon? I looked it up with my GPS software one time. It's about 16 miles BY CAR. An F-16 taking off from Andrews AFB would barely have time to get it's landing gear up before it would be over the Pentagon.
(Exaggerated, but not by much.)

there are so many questions raised, not only about this, but many other aspects of 9/11 that are inconsistant. let me ask all of you who still believe the governments version. why are you afraid to have a COMPLETE investigation with independent investigators instead of the political circus that was called the 9/11 commission? this would make your case that the conspirecy theorists ARE a bunch of nut jobs and on top of that it would restore confidence in the government. i guess the fear of actually finding out that someone in our government knew beforehand of the attacks would completely send you off the deep end. the most patriotic person is the one that always questions those in power.

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by Shotabel

Just for humor's sake, the US Capitol. You know, one of the three targets selected by the terrorist.

Why didn't Dick Cheney, or anyone for that matter, evacuate the White House? I'll give you a hint; no one knew about flight 77 before 9:30 a.m.

For Norman Mineta's timeline to work out, Daniel O'Brien would have had to spot flight 77 at around 9:15, she didn't.

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 12:06 PM
I would agree with the poster who pointed out that there are not that many targets of consequence in DC, the white house...which was evacuated, the house of reps(don't know if they were evacuated???) and the pentagon.

It does not seem unreasonable to me that these buildings be evacuated ...or that the occupants at least be ordered to "safe" locations within the building.

and why oh why can't we get dick cheney under oath to tell us what order still stands???

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by Leo Strauss
It does not seem unreasonable to me that these buildings be evacuated ...or that the occupants at least be ordered to "safe" locations within the building.

Well, evacuating the building puts them all in the parking lot, just waiting to be splashed with burning JP when the plane hits the building.

And I don't know about "safe" locations in the building. A basement just might be a grave after a plane crashes on top of you.

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 06:41 PM
reply to post by sir_chancealot

Glad you brought that up. Does anyone know what the role of Andrews AFB actually is? Go to their website and look it up. Their role is to protect DC in the event of an air attack.

If you can try get hold of copy of new book "TOUCHING HISTORY" by
Lynn Spencer. Goes into detail what happen on morning of 9/11 -
has dozens of interviews with air traffic controllers, airline pilots,
and ANG pilots. Tells story of NEADS and ANG pilots trying to get
airborne and establish sir cover over WASH and NYC.

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by Leo Strauss

and why oh why can't we get dick cheney under oath to tell us what order still stands???

If Cheney ordered aircraft not to shoot and allowed the terrorists to hit the Pentagon, what difference would an oath make?

Let's pretend for a minute that Cheney actually ordered the fighters not to shoot. This would imply that the pilots had authority to shoot down a civilian aircraft over the United States and that just sounds preposterous to me. Someone would have had to give the fighter pilot's permission to fire if Cheney was ordering them not to fire, right?

And which fighters was Cheney ordering not to shoot? The F-16s from Langley didn't arrive until well after flight 77 hit.

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by Boone 870
Let's pretend for a minute that Cheney actually ordered the fighters not to shoot. This would imply that the pilots had authority to shoot down a civilian aircraft over the United States and that just sounds preposterous to me. Someone would have had to give the fighter pilot's permission to fire if Cheney was ordering them not to fire, right?

Well it would imply there were fighters or commanders in the area asking if they could shoot down the aircraft and Cheney said no.

The other possible order would be an order allowing pilots and commanders the ability to shoot at their own discretion. It would be a simple matter to verify this order with the Air Force.

Believe me I suffer from no illusions about what Cheney would say..." I don't recall ...etc etc...

[edit on 27-6-2008 by Leo Strauss]

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by Leo Strauss

Well it would imply there were fighters or commanders in the area asking if they could shoot down the aircraft and Cheney said no.

The other possible order would be an order allowing pilots and commanders the ability to shoot at their own discretion. It would be a simple matter to verify this order with the Air Force.

Which fighters were they? The Langley fighters were 150 miles away when the Pentagon was hit and their transponders codes didn't show up until 9:30 a.m. after the 9:24 a.m. scramble order. If Norman Mineta is right about his timeline, fighters would have had to been airborne before 9:20 when he arrived at the PEOC.

NEADS wasn't notified of any aircraft approaching Washington until 9:22 a.m. Whoelse would have ordered fighters to shoot down any approaching aircraft? It is my understanding that the order can only be given by the President or the Secretary of Defense.

Believe me I suffer from no illusions about what Cheney would say..." I don't recall ...etc etc...

Didn't the vice president confirm the shootdown order a couple of weeks after 9/11?

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by Boone 870
reply to post by Leo Strauss

and why oh why can't we get dick cheney under oath to tell us what order still stands???

If Cheney ordered aircraft not to shoot and allowed the terrorists to hit the Pentagon, what difference would an oath make?

Let's pretend for a minute that Cheney actually ordered the fighters not to shoot. This would imply that the pilots had authority to shoot down a civilian aircraft over the United States and that just sounds preposterous to me. Someone would have had to give the fighter pilot's permission to fire if Cheney was ordering them not to fire, right?

And which fighters was Cheney ordering not to shoot? The F-16s from Langley didn't arrive until well after flight 77 hit.

Very good way of making that point and yes Cheney admitted to the shoot down order right after 9/11. (Which should tell you something right there...he wont go under oath for the commission but will tell a reporter that)

Anyone who is thinking along these lines with Cheney needs to remember one thing he was at that time surrounded by lots of people ie; witnesses that like Mineta would be subject to under oath questioning. So of course, at that point if you believe that Cheney was the ultimate guy running the diversion ie; the war games then you have to know that the act of concerned patriotic warrior fighting our new sworn enemies would be in full effect.

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 06:05 AM
what about the video of the buildings falling where there were smaller explosions below the fire. why do the ppl who worked in the towers say there were ppl coming in and out for that past week before 9/11. it was only an excuse to get america and the rest of the world to back us up while we went over to take the middeleast's oil. now we blew all there # up and now were rebuilding it we say we want them to take over there own country but i believe that we will always really run it. then we have all there oil to make us money when other areas run out, we own one more peice of the world

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 05:44 PM
Another thing about the pentagon defenses is the fact anti aircraft sam batteries are rarely if ever mentioned. I would have thought these would be the first and final line of defense in such a situation.

I know for security reasons the defense of the pentagon and our nation's capital cannot be discussed in detail...but think about Minettas is obvious they are tracking an incoming bogey. Why weren't missiles used to protect DC???

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 06:10 PM
OK folks the real reson the Pentegon had to be hit, It was to kill the AUDITORS that where put in the new wing of the pentgon.

These Auditors where looking for the missing 2.3 trillion dollors of the tax payers money that was missing. Rummy had told at a press conference the day befor 911.

Chaney wanted to make sure those men where kill so there would not be anything to investigate if all the files where destroyed.

And Guess what! they where the ones to die that day.

America has been taken over by a bunch Criminal in the White House and in Congress.

We can all just do nothing, and let them Destroy this Great Nation, wich they almost have, and they are NOT done Yet!

Hey! you guys dont have to believe me.
Do your own resurch and you will see I am tellling the truth.

[edit on 6/28/2008 by cashlink]

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 06:20 PM
I forgot to mention after the Pentegon was hit.
There was nothing more said about the missing money.

To this day We dont know what happened to all that missing money.
The question is, Who stole the Money?

2.3 TRILLION DOLLORS thats a lot of loot!

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 10:46 PM
there are just too many inconsistencies and questions that keep coming up with no answers, there is no incentive for people to just be making all this up, i am not a fan of coincidences. we can go on and on about who said what or thats already been dubunked, but the bottom line is there is just to much eveidence to write this all off as crazy conspiracies. I doubt we will ever get all the answers but i think it is safe to say that something smells like sh*t......

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 07:01 PM

Another thing about the pentagon defenses is the fact anti aircraft sam batteries are rarely if ever mentioned. I would have thought these would be the first and final line of defense in such a situation.

On 9/11 there were no missiles - something the conspiracy loons keep
complaining about. In the months afterwards on certain occasions
vehicles mounting short range SAM (Stingers) were deployed
to cover sensative locations. Prior to 9/11 nobody envisioned
having to shoot down hijacked aircraft.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 07:08 PM

Originally posted by sir_chancealot
Glad you brought that up. Does anyone know what the role of Andrews AFB actually is? Go to their website and look it up. Their role is to protect DC in the event of an air attack.

Do you know how far Andrews AFB is from the Pentagon? I looked it up with my GPS software one time. It's about 16 miles BY CAR. An F-16 taking off from Andrews AFB would barely have time to get it's landing gear up before it would be over the Pentagon.
(Exaggerated, but not by much.)

The role of Andrews AFB is to supply the VIP transports that the USAF flies around, with the President and other high ranking people. They haven't done the alert mission since the 1990s. On 9/11 only 7 bases had fighters sitting on alert and Andrews wasn't one of them. The nearest bases were Otis in Cape Cod, and Langley in Virginia.

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 12:24 AM

Originally posted by thedman

Prior to 9/11 nobody envisioned
having to shoot down hijacked aircraft.

You're kidding, right?

I'm going to go ahead and chuckle because I know you are kidding.

The SAME DAY the planes were hijacked, they had war games going where planes were hijacked! Don't tell me no one envisioned it.

At first I thought you were new, but you've been registered a year, so you should know better!

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