posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 12:53 AM
I live in Santa Cruz county, where the 3 fires in the week BEFORE the lighting fires. The lighing fires I beleive WERE the result of lighting across
N. Cal. I was a very unusual storm with some of the most violent lighting I have ever witnessed and with vey little rain. So I can't believe that
those fires were arson. But of the 3 fires in the week before the lighting storm at least 2 are under suspicion. Tthey are looking for "a person of
interest" in conection with the 2nd fire. The 3rd fire, the one along Hwy 1 between Aptos and Watsonville (I live in Aptos) was really 5 fires in a
string along the highway. This is very suspicios and there are unconfirmed rumors of someone seen lighting a fire and moving on to the next one. I
wish I had more info.