posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 05:35 PM
This is a cool topic because it was actually the catalyst to many signifigant events in my life.
I'll explain my experience of this... when I was about 12 my aunt went to a psychic, who told her lots of things about everyone, and particularly me,
many many details about me, and I will explain that. My aunt told me all of this and i was like ok, wierd.
for the next... we'll say specifically like 4 years, i had very detailed dreams about the future, I found what was consistant is a particular girl
who was in it (later I saw tis girl on the street and I felt this surge, we just stared at each other as we walked by). Years later I ended up being
her freind quite "randomly". And yeah, one day it hit me like a tonne of bricks, I remembered all these dreams of her and my current freinds who
i had obviously never met when I was about 12... all these dream memories came flooding back and it like shook my reality. Because of this I ended
up moving cities, and it felt like I was in my own play for about a year... it drove me insane... thinking... ok july 17... i will do this.. and
then watch it happen, because i knew from a dream or i was told years ago.. I found i was wrong a number of times too, and basically.. It took me a
year but I realised that I was ultimately in control of my life, a realisation that was liberating. No future is set in stone.
But yeah, it was because of that that I took an interest in finding the bigger picture of my reality... knowing that dreams could show the future, i
wanted to know what else there is i didn't know, and thats when i got into meditation.
I've also had dreams of my past life, my "next" life.. I'm guessing by what I saw.. and a few past lives way back, that I won't even get into..
One thing at a time I suppose.
Think hard about dreams and your reality... how does the physical world compare to a dream? And where does thought, or rather, thinking come from,
and what is it bound to?
I wouldn't mind hearing what others had to say, i bet theres lots.