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What if? --Area 51...

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posted on Jan, 6 2005 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by excalibur745
What if we gathered enough people in nevada to march down the road to the Area 51 complex...there's no way they'd arrest (or kill for that matter) all of us if we rallied enough...?

You guys and your 'what if's' that case, there's something called 'The National Guard' and they will be in control of that situation as well as the armed forces protecting that area. They aren't worried about arrsting, they're most likely going to shoot to kill. And they would have patrol trucks and forces at a distance from the area to intercept any in-coming enemy or person, etc. It is heavily guarded and I must say it's impossible to enter without full identification that you are allowed to come into that area.

And also, people are not going to want to get shot and killed. Who would be that insane? They would disperse and never return! More likely it's a life or death situation, but it's your choice!


posted on Jan, 7 2005 @ 07:40 AM
by the way it would be a long march. and thay have good time to arest and kill everybody.

posted on Jan, 7 2005 @ 04:03 PM
Exactly! But, not only arrest. Arresting will not be their option. You're talking about annihilation! The United States does not play with exposing themselves in regards to top secret information and what not. If they see a person even trying to go in a Military, top secret, or no-fly zone, they will not hesitate to open fire.

posted on Jan, 8 2005 @ 09:18 AM
I didn't read the entire thread, so maybe this has been brought up. If you would get to the base and try to get inside, and then there would be a gigantic armored door in the way needing fingerprint ID or something, then what?

posted on Jan, 8 2005 @ 01:50 PM
Why do you want to get into Lockheed's test area? Lockheed owns it, we test our new technology their. The government protects us through law, and EG&G protect us with hired police.

Don't bother Lockheed's test areas anymore, bother Boeing. They don't have as much technology or security as us, but who cares. You people want to bother Lockheed, why? Just leave us alone.


posted on Jan, 9 2005 @ 06:36 AM
So you are a lockerhead guy? Works at area 51? What about S4????
Gazrok give him a test. If you pas it and give us a few answer we will leave you alone.
Thats a deal

posted on Jan, 9 2005 @ 12:30 PM
AREA 51 is the most secret and guarded facility on earth. It is a transfer of the New World Order theory of the German Nazi Hitler. Things are being developed there that shouldn't, but we have no control over it yet we pay for it all. If the truth ever gets out, our government will pay a heavy price. People need to protest outside AREA 51, and we should all email and write people in the government and scientific community. *My thoughts*

posted on Jan, 9 2005 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by Phood
I didn't read the entire thread, so maybe this has been brought up. If you would get to the base and try to get inside, and then there would be a gigantic armored door in the way needing fingerprint ID or something, then what?

I think this is a good some of the most secret/protected areas there is most likely a large titanium (about 10 tons or more) door that would protect that part of the base from a nuclear blast. Trust me, even 10,000 people breaking into a goverment base would not be able to get by an obstacle like that.

posted on Jan, 10 2005 @ 06:13 AM
as long as the government continue with what they're doing, we're all just going to continue unconciously helping in what they're doing. the thing is, there's no way that we can get every single person to stop and protest, especially since most of them don't even care.

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 01:21 AM
Have any of you ever been to Area 51? Two of my friends and myself took a trip there this past summer, and you may be surprised what makes the guards uneasy and what doesn't. We decided to drive down Groom Lake Rd at night, of course only as far as the signs. We had been there in daylight earlier in our stay so we knew what to look for so we wouldn't cross any red markers or anything. As you drive down Groom Lake Rd you trigger sensors that let the "Cammo Dudes" know you're coming, so that they beat you to the border, and by the time you get there, they're already parked on their hill in their white SUV watching you. I pulled my van to the side of the road a safe distance from the warning signs. After getting out of the car, we immediately looked to the hill to the Cammo Dudes. I couldn't see them, but my friend said he thought he did and pointed out what he thought was the silhouette of their Jeep. We assumed it was them and continued to look around. The two most common spots to watch for UFOs and air traffic are the "black" mailbox, and Queen City Summit. We spent three nights at the mailbox and saw very little activity in the night sky. Sitting on the border at night though, we heard CONTINUOUS air traffic. After we had been there for about 15 minutes, I saw headlights coming from around the bend inside the borders. I figured it was someone coming to ask us to leave, and so, not wanting to get in trouble with these people, we headed back to the car. The headlights didn't continue around the bend to the gate though--they went up the hill to where the Cammo Dudes sit. As the headlights shone up the hill and as they made a turn at the top to position themselves to see us, they revealed the entire hill and we saw that, up until that moment, there hadn't been anyone there! We sat on the borders of Area 51 completely ungaurded for a good 15 minutes before the guards came, which is pretty much unheard of. (Naturally my friend and I burst into laughter at their mistake) I guess my point is, even the most secure, perfectly guarded places can make mistakes sometimes, so a brake in of some sort might actually be possible, to an extent.

posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 01:10 PM
"First off why do you even think you have a right to see what is or isn't at groom lake????"

i would say that if the taxpayers are paying for the testing etc that goes on at any facility they should be entitled to know what is going there.

posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by Tahlen
"First off why do you even think you have a right to see what is or isn't at groom lake????"

i would say that if the taxpayers are paying for the testing etc that goes on at any facility they should be entitled to know what is going there.

I disagree, in most cases. The national security implications for making public every advanced/revolutionary system we have would be enormous. In this case, it is clearly in the publics best interest not to know. Heck, many (most) government officials aren't even allowed info on what goes on there. What if the US stealth techonology (or just the idea that a stealth aircraft was being built) was public knowledge in the mid 70's, instead of the late 80's? That could have negated the (huge) US advantage in this field, possibly extending the cold war or even allowing smaller countries to develop the ability to launch a surprise attack on the US. The general populace understands this and generally accepts that the government must keep secrets.

posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 03:37 PM
I agree to a point. I think the developing of weapons, air craft, ect should be classified and secret. But when we start talking about recovering UFOs and or Extraterrestrials I think we should be able to know the truth. Two different things...


posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by meshuggah1324
AREA 51 is the most secret and guarded facility on earth. It is a transfer of the New World Order theory of the German Nazi Hitler. Things are being developed there that shouldn't, but we have no control over it yet we pay for it all. If the truth ever gets out, our government will pay a heavy price. People need to protest outside AREA 51, and we should all email and write people in the government and scientific community. *My thoughts*

Area 51 is not the most secret or duarded facility on earth.

drummette Yes I have been to area 51. Not in the facility but at the border...

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 08:16 PM
Just do what Ive been doing the last month help me find out who the installation commander is and write for permission as the sign says if you are persistant you should raise some feathers and maybe just maybe get your wish a tour of Area 51 seems resonable to me piss em off at least!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 08:23 PM
Yeah right, they'd pick us off 1 by 1 from a far, rofl.

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 04:55 PM
I recall a "former A51 employee" posting on here before in response to a similiar thread. He said no shots would be fired. They would just simply move out the sensitive equipment ahead of time, and then detain or escort everyone out afterwards.

I don't think there's any way you could get inside an actual building that has sensitive items anyway as it is my understanding that they have retinal scanning technology that prevents unauthorized personell from entering. You'd have to take a much more extreme route to get in, not that I'm endorsing that per se.

[edit on 20-3-2008 by VisionQuest]

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 09:33 AM
You have a better shot smuggling drugs over the U.S./Mexican Boarder and that alone is alot safer than trying to infiltrate Area 51, at least with Smuggling Drugs you are just dealing with local law enforcement and possibly boader patrol!!!!!!!!!!!


[edit on 26-3-2008 by JOEYSINNER]

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 03:57 AM
I don't know much about that place.

But my guest is you must have mental abilities and or very good training intel, and planning in order for it to work.

And I mean barely.

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 04:09 AM
There are two ways into Area-51

1. You join the military or do a university (college) degree to become a top scientist, and hope your career takes you there.

2. You create a fake alien space-craft. You get movie make-up artists to make you look alien. You stage the crash and have a friend call the authorities. You may be taken into custody and make your way to Area-51.

[edit on 28-3-2008 by realist00]

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