posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 05:24 PM
Worried about what exactly?
That you see stuff in advance? Of what you may come to see? Or of something you have seen?
One I would say, becareful who you share this with, being a bit eccentric and being called crazy are two different things lol.
Another is, somethings are just meant to be, there is nothing you can do about them. Can you handle knowing about things there is nothing you can do
anything about?
Heres another, many things are not set in stone, can you handle having tried or not really tried or not trying at all to change them?
And much is neither here nor there, but a point of, well, you saw it, you do it again.
One other thing, can you tell which of the things you see are things you forsee, and which are not?
If you wish it to stop, stop paying attention to it.