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How could someone doesn't believe This Cnspiracy?

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posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 01:19 AM
Okay, I'm a logic person as many of you here. Why believe in something or someone if you've any proofs to believe in the real existance of that thing or that person ? As William Cooper said : Read everything, listen to everyone, don't trust anything unless you can proove it by your OWN resheach.
Nice thought

SO, how could someone who've seen for example :
- Loose change
- 911 investigation reports information videos
- William Cooper speech's before his suspisious death's

Don't answer me things like : This conspiracy's worth nothing!

Or That is impossible! That is against Christian religion! You're an Anti-American !

Please, if you try to deny That conspiracy, Bring some SCIENTIFIC proofs
Loose change sells off many proofs that i'm not sure someone could contradict

Deny ignorance

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 02:18 AM
MODS, please forgive this but....


I am sorry but I haven't a clue what you are attempting to convey here.

Please try to clear it up a little for us who have a hard time reading and understanding such poor grammar.

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 03:34 AM
I don't know myself, I remember trying to turn my mom on to the truth awhile back...
I thought... she always talks about the manipulation and dishonesty that grace the current administration. Hell she even wrote a book in the early 80's about CIA drug trafficking in Loas and Cambodia. This would indicate to me that she is well aware of our countries checkered past...

But not 9/11--- No way "we" could do that. I showed her that best videos, research papers from that Colorado physics professor, I discussed the free fall speed of the collapses, building 7, no wreckage in Penn. , the very small hole at the pentagon, on and on... blank stare... Now she just changes the subject in a rude and abrupt fashion when ever I go "there"...

So I don't know myself, I have turned on two of my friends... But in the case of my mom I just can't get thru,,,, she will call me and say I can't believe this and that ( talking about bush's sociopathy ).

I wonder why it is such a stretch to believe a in politically motivated hit on own own country? The California energy crisis, subversion of the constitution, war profiteering, now the gas prices ( trust me on this), on and on ... I mean pure and unabashed lying and tyranny on a biblical scale! If these actions do not indicate total moral decay of these men what does?

Anyhow I believe you have a few types of misinformed non believers....

First off the republican base in general - if you pay attention to the tactics involved in most any argument forged - you will quickly realize that the goal of any debate is a

" my way or your wrong capitulation. " - there is not middle ground or discussion.The brain and its insights are just a coincidence.

Once a disagreement is reached the goal is divide and conquer by proclaiming their exclusive ownership of truth, patriotism and sound judgment. This
is achieved by diverting any valid questions on to a secondary non objective issue of their choice!

It is systematic and very effective killer of all logic. Bush, chenny, rove and fox news have all mastered it. This tactic is what these men depend on to stay "unhanged" -- the real world, facts and truth do not matter at all in this realm. Fox has worked very hard for years to make its viewers most comfortable with these logic control tactics... Patriotism is what led to the rise of hitler,stalin... With a proud fog you can do and justify anything!

So these people cannot and will not be reached because the truth and logic is not where it is at. These people will be the ones who will get violent once the truth comes out...

Next you have the mid aged folks who cannot accept that anyone could do such a thing let alone our government. Plus all the weeks and months of "officail" news coverage by the worlds greatest news teams spoon feeding the same official crap. Plus many older people feel entitled to their wisdom. They are more likely to be stubborn and the truth requires a whole new radical view of reality.

Anyways I'm tired so this might sound like a bunch of #e ---

What do you think??? I will bookmark and check back!

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by Truthornothing

How could someone doesn't believe This Cnspiracy?

Um what?

Dude... we all make typo's... but geesh.

Loose Change is not brought up in here often. Most truthers see through their garbage. Their theories have been debunked on many occasions.

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by ThroatYogurt
reply to post by Truthornothing

How could someone doesn't believe This Cnspiracy?

Um what?

Dude... we all make typo's... but geesh.

Loose Change is not brought up in here often. Most truthers see through their garbage. Their theories have been debunked on many occasions. after clicking--- loose change rebuttal ---- Wow this is some grass roots hard hitting logic listed below.... I'm a believer...

LOL - not really- are you kidding ??? This is the page that I copied --- ???
This is a rebuttal to what - google - yahoo ???

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[edit on 25-6-2008 by mental modulator]

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 05:48 PM

Okay, I'm a logic person as many of you here.

Well right away you lost me. Anyone who believes that LOOSE CHANGE
is accurate has a serious problem with reality. About the only thing
LOOSE CHANGE gets right is the date. Check out


or the

JREF forum

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 05:51 PM
I doenst believe in much either which loose change.

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 08:04 PM
I side with the experts, simple as that.

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 08:10 PM
I personally believe from observation that it was all a bloody conspiracy …hell look at THE CONTROLLED DEMOLITION of WT7 and ask yourself…why did it fall so fast? Lol…. That should lead back to the initial attacks and make you think…well maybe it wasn’t a bunch of terrorist armed with box cutter knives after all…hmmmm could it be that our Government is that “F8dked up?” …ummmm YEAAA haahaha…

Best Regards,

P.S. I recommend you use word next time to check your grammar, I mean no offense by this simply helping you out here mate.

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by Truthornothing
You do bring up some interesting points.

I might suggest that you search ATS about each of the subjects that are concerning you. I believe you will find answers that will satisfy you.

May I ask if English is your native tongue? Some of the posters are having a hard time understanding you. Please disregard those that respond to you in an uncivil manner. I do understand you and wish you luck finding answers to your questions.

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