posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 01:35 AM
The footage was shot by the "McPherson" family. This footage aired on the FOX television network in the nineties.
The video shows a supposed family member filming thanksgiving dinner from first-person (camera eye) while strange happenings begin to develop around
the rest of the family.
These happenings consist of the power being declined within the home, family members obtaining bloody noses, transformers going off outside the
property and a small girl whose actions are very strange. High Strangeness. She insists to go outdoors while the rest of the family decline
completely. The rest of the family are spooked by this except for a close guardian who doesn't express the same feelings as the child. A few members
of this family decide to confront the unknown with weapons (shotguns?) just to find that the flat-bed truck sitting in the front yard had it's
engine melted in vital parts for malfunction.
These members that posses firearms decide to proceed to another front of the property. What they encounter, while taking proper (cover and
concealment) is a parked craft on the ground with beings that resemble the typical Grays, doing work with live stock? The camera makes a sudden
movement, and their cover is blown. They proceed to panic, rush for the house and enclose themselves inside while every other family member wonders
in awe and fear of what they encountered that night.
There is much more disturbing material to this story....but what I've said sums up the introduction. Enjoy the videos.
(((I use the a few words excessively for the understanding of this story. I hope that you can piece together what I've typed down.
Whoever has been here long enough might know me. I was a member of this site almost six years ago. My screen-name was Jeffrey. Thanks Asala