posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 03:49 PM
Originally posted by Promecus
I have often wondered why the US Government is one of the last institutions to not disclose the existence of UFOs. Today I believe I have come to a
It is obvious the U.S. Gov is selling you off to aliens in exchange for something.
There is no such thing called national security, no country is invading no country, it is just that you have to pay MORE TAX to feed the military
general fat.
They are selling you off, turn you into prostitutions, and in fact the U.S. gov has put all countries and humanoid in danger.
Either take this or leave it:
- Forget the election, you have no choice since it is either democrat or republic, you have been blinded and dumbed
- STOP paying tax, do all you can to avoid TAX!!!!. It is your tax that build them fat and bad
- Start REBELling!!!!!!!!!
[edit on 2-7-2008 by cheebay]