posted on Jun, 23 2008 @ 01:17 PM
Hello all,
I'm a new member to the site obviously. I just happend upon it in a random google search while deployed to southwest Asia.
Yes, I'm a military member in the U.S. Armed Forces and no I'm not going to say which branch. No, I can't tell you where I'm deployed or where
I'm from so please don't ask. No, I don't maliciously slander my government nor do I disrespect my superiors, civilian or military. No, I'm not a
blind follower of bueracracy but I do follow lawful orders.
Yes, I do believe in basic civil rights. Most importantly, the right to Freedom of Speech. A site like this is exactly the type of thing for which
I'm willing to lay my life down. I strongly believe that the only way for any of us to achieve anything as a society is the freedom to express new
ideas in an open forum and debate about it.
By the way, no I'm not some sort of Government Watchdog that will report you with all due haste. That's boot licker mentality and I'm no boot
licker. I'm a leader in my heart and mind and a true leader knows that you cannot always blindly follow.
I do my very best to ensure the freedoms of the U.S. by doing my job to the best of my ability day in and day out. I do not always agree with
decisions that are made but that is why I also believe in the right to elect new leaders.
My main goal in life is to affect change in the world. To leave it a better place than it was when I was in it. To leave to my legacy, my children and
their own after them, a world that is as free from intolerance, hate and greed as is humanly possible so that one day we can truly grasp our potential
as earth's children and run with it.
Also, I'm an atheist and a firm non-believer in organized religion as it seems to cause more conflict and pain on the world than any bomb I've ever
seen dropped or bullet fired.
I go by the handle Six Kilo Kowboy because I feel that I walk on the Nuclear Frontier. That place where the past comes to clash with the future in a
battle for the minds of the common people. People like myself and you are the digital assassins, laying waste to the status quo so that new ideas will
flourish and make our home a better place for all. Sometimes the strongest weapons in the world don't go bang. They just make common sense common.
That's all I got. Feel free to hit me up for conversation as I make my way around the boards. Thanks for having me.
[edit on 23-6-2008 by SixKiloKowboy]