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A tear in the fabric of reality

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posted on Jun, 23 2008 @ 12:37 PM
For those interested in, awaking your inherent psychic faculty’s, heres what has worked for me, Synchronicity.

Synchronicities are little tears in the fabric of our modern day world views.
Most citizens of planet earth perceive only through there 5 physical senses while there higher sense perceptions(HSP) are closed. You can not force HSP open, believe me I tried, but you can awaken HSP by embracing those many meaning coincidences in your life.
The trick is not to obsess over a synchronicity but to recognize it for what it is. A tear in the fabric of reality. A synchronicity is a psychic event, simply recognizing that and acting on it breaks down, (reprograms) the many barriers put in place by the educational systems, parents, society, etc…
I believe everyone experiences synchros more so then glimpsing someone’s Oreo.
You can look at it this way, when excirceing you don’t go into a full sprint , you 1st stretch , walk, jog, and then sprint.
By stretching your imagination and reaching beyond evolutionary norms, a synchronicity can provide a wealth of answers to many personal perplexing questions.
This has worked best for me. Something else might work better for someone else. Nonetheless it works, and you don’t have to pay some guru, pastor, or new age workshop for enlightenment.

Synchronicity – A meaningful sequence of unusual, accidental events that lack a causal explanation.

Standard example
Your thinking of Mr. X who you have not seen of nor heard of in years, the phone rings, you pick up, and guess who it is Mr. X.

Unusual example
You dream of a very big tree on fire by some sea port. The next morning you turn the TV on and 30 miles from you an oil refinery has exploded along the coast of long Island. Usually synchro dreams are very lucid and vivid.

posted on Jun, 23 2008 @ 09:01 PM
Haha sounds pretty cool.

I like your post.

I've had a few of those "synchronicities" myself.

posted on Jun, 23 2008 @ 09:55 PM
Interesting concept. I think if people paid more attention to things like these, there might be more people "awakening" now.

posted on Jun, 23 2008 @ 10:16 PM
O.k, really weird! I live 25 miles from my work which is an oil refinery! If the place burns down I am so screwed! I swear to God this is true!!!!

posted on Jun, 23 2008 @ 11:55 PM

Originally posted by earthbear13
Standard example
Your thinking of Mr. X who you have not seen of nor heard of in years, the phone rings, you pick up, and guess who it is Mr. X.

Unusual example
You dream of a very big tree on fire by some sea port. The next morning you turn the TV on and 30 miles from you an oil refinery has exploded along the coast of long Island. Usually synchro dreams are very lucid and vivid.

I there, interesting topic!
As far as I know, Jung did propose about a collective unconscious... so in a way, there is a basis for your statement.
Now, taken from the examples you provided:
How you exactly act on a synchronicity, once you recognize it, without obsess on it?
What would be the right frame of mind to act on that "happy coincidence"?
When do you know one is obsessing with it?
Can you elaborate more on that "acting on"?

(excuse my english)

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 01:15 AM
What do you mean how don't you obcess about it? You consider colds more than coincedences, and accept the idea that you need to avoid germiness as much as possible as part of reality, but you don't think about germs every single second of the day, riiiight? Well, poor example as that may be, downright sh**y infact- i could have thought of something better, but it gets the point across, right?~ poor as it may be anyway, it is that kind of idea.

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by Levita

Hi Levita!
Since you didn´t say to whom you are replying to, and I am the only one that asked the op about obssesion and such, i will respond to you and try to explain myself.
My questions about how not to be obsessed and how to recognize when someone is obsessing, were done because, for a person without any psychological disability, there is no point of reference (consciously) to be aware of recurrent thoughts, impulses or images, etc. that are forming an obsession. Meaning, that an obsession is subjective, because you cannot measure it. Therefore you cannot say where an obsession begins.

About your example, I consider that is not applicable to this topic, since synchronicity is, as pointed out by the op in his examples, the
"experience of two or more events which occur in a meaningful manner, but which are "causally un-related".
That´s the reason why in order to be synchronistic, "the events must be related to one another temporally, and the chance that they would occur together by random chance must be very small"

In the case you provide, is evident that certain types of germs produce different cases of illnes in people that are not in a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being... then, you cannot say that that cause (germs) and effect (cold) is unrelated to a unhealthy person, and that it´s chances of manifesting is very small.

[edit on 24-6-2008 by atmos1]

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 07:46 PM
hey, i have many of these synchros on a daily basis...

Just wondering.. do you think this could have anything to do with the laws of attraction?? i'm exploring this alternate reality theory that the physical world is created through our own thoughts, attitudes and beliefs... maybe somehow we make some of these things happen.. i'm still making sense of this myself, but i like what i'm hearing

just my humble opinion

[edit on 24/6/08 by pretty_vacant]

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 04:00 PM
Hi Pretty Vacant

I do believe that our thoughts and feelings/emotions do play a part in the development of a synchronicity. From my own personal research and experience our thoughts and feelings due attract /influence the physical world, but at a much slower rate, then on the astral planes/alternate reality. A good source to look up about the laws of attraction and alternate realities, is the works of Robert A Monroe. Monroe was the pioneer of out of body research back in the early 70s. Much of his material is about thoughts, beliefs, and emotions of not only how they influence the physical world, but how they affect us in alternate realities.

posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 09:13 PM
Hello atmos1

Sorry to have taken so long to reply.
What I meant about obsessing, is that once you have had an authentic synchro, don’t become fixated on it. Some happen just to remind us that something else is going on behind the scenes. I remember reading that from C.Jungs works.I once obsessed over a synchronicity, told my friends, family, and a few co-workers only to make myself look a little kooky. It’s hard to keep experience like that to yourself, and with no guide book, it’s easy to lose the original meaning behind that meaningful moment. I hope this answers your question. Also, levita used a good analogy with the germs.

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 03:18 AM
Hmmm awesome

I'd love to learn more about it - thanks for the reference

Cool thread!

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