Here it is again with tags fixed (since I cannot now edit my post)
The Terra Papers
Compiled by Amaterasu
ADA-MUS Renegade ADAPA cast out of the Life Center; later given the ability to appreciate beauty
ADAMUS ADA-MUS; Adam (most likely)
ADAPA Initial hybrid beasts given to EN-LIL by EN-KI; having marginal intelligence, analytical skills and sexuality were later enhanced;
AKHU Birdlike humanoids; presented EA with a strand of DNA that imbued passion, given only to ADAMUS (The Gift of the Feather)
AL-AL AL-SHAR after takeover of the ASA-RRR kingdom
AL-AL-GAR Grandson of AL-AL; Titles include: IKU-MAR-BEH, ZU, ZU-ZU, AR-ZU
AL-AL-IM A Master of Genesis Sciences under AL-AL
AL-AL-U Hall built on the surviving fragment of TIAMAT by AL-AL-GAR, to commemorate the fallen of TIAMAT; Valhalla; also, the house of AL-AL
AL-AMBAHU KI (?); AL-AL-GAR’s palace on TIAMAT
AL-AMBAHU-ZU AL-AL-GAR’s palace, renamed at his victory; Olympus; “Place of Gathering of AL and ZU”
AL-SHAR Brother of AN-AN; Royal Cup Bearer initially; later called AL-AL
AM-BAHU “The Gathering Place”
AN-AN An elder king of the ASA-RRR
AN-EN Younger son of AN-U; EN-LIL
AN-U AN-AN’s grandson; made Cup Bearer to AL-AL (AL-SHAR)
ANNUNAKI EA’s volunteer crew to rebuild life on the TIAMAT fragment
APA Simian jungle beast, strong and ferocious
AR, RR ASA-RRR death ship, like the Death Star from Star Wars
AR-ZU AL-AL-GAR’s title; given after takeover of the AR ship of AN-U; Supreme Lord of the AR”
ARI “Masters;” name given to the SSS by others
ARI-AN “Masters of Heaven;” Orion
ARI-AN “Aryan”
ARI-DU Name given to our solar system after being fully settled; “The mastered (or conquered) place”
ARYAN M-G ARI-AN warriors who abandoned the SSS-T, forming a colony in India and establishing the Hindu (HEN-T-U (?)) religion and caste
ASA-RRR-U The ASA-RRR people
ASA “Overlords”
ASA-RRR Mammalian worlds; kingdom
Assassins SSS-EN; Orion – Lords of; a society that used drugs to induce hypnotic states for mind manipulation/control
AT ARA-RRR death technology
BAAL-EA-DAUS Star system EA retreated to; Pleiades; “Place of BAAL (Lord) EA DA (the Creator)”
BAD Our sun and solar system; “Place where death is”
BAR-BAR-U Jupiter; “World of Metal Metals”
BAR-RABBI “Son of the Rabbi;” Barrabas
Barrabas Jesus’ eldest son
BEH ASA-RRR ground forces; “Flesh Eaters”
CHET-U Native American name for the SHET-I; “Lizard men”
Crop Circles Messages from ARIAN/ASA-RRR intended for: the ASA-RRR underground, the forces of Lord RA, Sirian guerrillas, and humans;
mathematical formations are signals from EA to humans to “hang on”
D-K, T-K “Teeth” of the ASA-RRR (IKU and BEH forces)
DA-EA BA-EL “Creator EA, Lord Father; came to mean “Evil One” or “Diabolic One”
DAK D-K, T-K; elite ASA-RRR forces; “Destroyers of Life
DAK-A-MU Venus; “Place of the DAK inside”
DAK-MU Mars; “Place of the DAK”
DUMUZZI MARDUK’s brother; assassinated by (?)
EA Eldest son of AN-U; a Master of Genesis Sciences; EN-KI
EA-SU Teacher spreading “The Way of EA;” “Teacher of Righteousness”
EL “Lord”
EL-EA, LEO “Lord of the Beasts;” EA
EN-GI “Lord of the world in the likeness of ASA-RRR”
EN-KI-ELS “Lords of EN-KI (EA);” originally Angels; reassigned to a religious use
EN-KI Title of EA; EN-GI
EN-LIL Title of AN-EN; “Lord of Command” or “Lord of the Word”
ERIDANUS Milky Way galaxy
ERIDU Earth; “The Enslaved Place;” also the solar system after EA brought it back from destruction; also the Sumerian city
G-D K-D; “Giver of Life;” EA
Grays SHET-I; renegade reptilian/mammalian hybrids (mostly reptilian)
H-N Lizard hybrid workers for underground mining
HEN-T Underground lizard hybrids; H-N; ERIDU Royals’ most trusted servants; lower intelligence, more subservient; assisted MARDUK in
IBR IBRU; Hebrews
IBRU Sirian descendents
IKIKI Elite warriors of the ASA-RRR; “The Watchers”
IKU ASA-RRR starship pilots/warriors; “Master”
IKU-MAR-BEH AL-AL-GAR’s title; “He is a great one of the IKIKI and the BEH
IR-U Neptune
IS-IS Isis
K-D ANNUNAKI; “Givers of Life;” opposite of D-K (“Destroyers of Life”)
KAM “Shield”
KANUS ASA-RRR home system
KI Duplicate palace on TIAMAT of the ASA-RRR king’s palace; “In the likeness of”
KRLL Gray emissary; met with Eisenhower and contracted to do abductions
KUMARBI From a Babylonian tale of a battle between ANU (AN-U) and KUMARBI; IKU-MAR-BEH: AL-AL-GAR
M-G See M-K
M-K, M-G SSS reptilian warriors
M-K, M’T Mohammed
MARDUK Son of EA; wrongly accused of assassinating his brother DUMUZZI; RRA-MARDUK, RRA; RA
MENT-UR Half bull, half ASA-RRR hybrid; minotaur
Mind Control SSS science
MJ-12 Majestic 12; those humans assigned to monitor the Grays’ abductions
MUM-MU Mercury; “First Born Traveler”
MUS “Monster”
N-ASAR-IM “Of Heaven – Sirius;” Nazarenes
NA-HUSH-TAN Bronze serpent statue commissioned by Moses
NIBIRU Sirians; N-IBIRU; Hebrew
NIN-HUR-SAG EA’s sister, who was also a Genesis Scientist; (from a transcript of a talk given by Robert Morning Sky, “NIN-HUR-SAG” is a
title given to an SSS-T queen who was from time to time required to be present at the thrones of the ASA-RRR; they were called “sisters,” though
there was no blood relation; the NIN-HUR-SAG who attended EA was Tara, I am guessing, as many cultures around the world have a creator Goddess with
names like Tara, Tera, Amaterasu (Ama-Tera-Su), though I don’t have confirmation on this as of yet)
NZR Christians
PESH-METEN Ninth Passageway, a crucial star lane
RA-IM “RA – at the side of;” sirian DAK warriors whose memories had been tampered with, who moved to the north shores of the
Mediterranean; called DAKANS or DRAKANS, they become known as Etruscans; Roman
RA-KA MARDUK/RRA’s children and trusted priests
RA-KA Pharaohs RA-KA-PER-A-A
RA-KA-M “A child of RA”
RA-KA-PER-A-A A priest of the reanimation chambers; also administrators of affairs of RRA
RA-KAM RA-KA-M; “Those of RA’s shield”
RA-LEG-US “RA – Laws/Word of;” religion
RRA-MARDUK MARDUK; took over ERIDU from EN-LIL, destroyed records of other monarchs or changed them to show all heroic deeds and achievements
having been his, appointed himself “Lord God and Creator of the Universe,” changed his name to “Sun God RRA, used SSA-TA techniques of mind
control to erase memories of other rulers, made teaching of EA’s knowledge “evil”
RRR Mammalian younger race; KANUS; ruled by Kings
S-MA A drug produced and sold by the SSA-TA (SHET-I, SHET-T) making RRA (MARDUK) rich
SAN’GRAAL The cup of the blood of IESU (Jesus); misinterpretation of SANGRÉ REAL
SANGRÉ REAL “Blood Royal;” royal blood of IESU
SEMT-UR Half horse, half ASA-RRR hybrid; centaur
SHET-I SHET-T and HEN-T who took over ERIDU
SHET-T, SHET SSA-TA who infiltrated and converted the HEN-T (who were trusted administrators of EN-LIL and servants of the royal families);
“Secret Ones”
SHETU Of the SHETI; SHETU government; “Shadow” government
[edit on 7/8/2008 by Amaterasu]