posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 08:47 PM
WTF!! Reading this thread has utterly amazed me. I am very agreeable to the notion of the existence of higher life forms. I can only assume that the
majority of the contributers to this are either f***wits or have no concept of what they are actually saying?! Everybody seems to share the same basic
perceptions of physical appearance, superhuman capabilies and ultimate motivations possessed by said "grays". That given, lets explore the debate
for a minute, the purpose of this exercise requires the removal of doubt and uncertainty. Everything we idealised about the grays we accept as fact
without exception, is everybody still with me? Good, to review in brief; Awareness of a superior race able to enter into our world, invade our homes,
abduct us and hold us within their realm whilst they rape, impregnate, microchip, extract bodily fluids or whatever the hell else they want before
erasing our minds and returning us to earth without fear of detection. Pretty cool, too cool so lets allow some of them to recall the situations so
that we can risk the possibility of our exposure and the threat that could be to our existance. Its inexcusable to inflict the concept of
forgetfulness as an attribute to the gray species, or the chance to see their efforts reversed at some point in the future -what a lot of s***!! Oh
and lets not forget the other breeds of gray -observing them, observing us, posing the threat of being detected leaving their fate at the mercy of
superior powers. Thus restricting their ability to achieve what they really intend i.e; revealing their race to us in order to take over our planet
where they can roam around and wipe out human existence at their leisure or pleasure! What possible harm or threat to their lives could a human
possibly pose?! Oh yeah thats right, NOTHING, considering that they are more than aware of the full capabilities and limitations of human life which
incidentally I'm sure hasn't taken them until the year 2008 to figure out!! GO Figure..the bliss that is deficiency of evolved ntelligence, Human
race standing, United, As one!, Resisting against invasion from nasty aliens, and overcoming all eventualities due to our exagerrated belief of our
inate superiority over every other living creature! Picture tha dramatic scene -warriors waiting as our efforts are being played out before us, whilst
the inevitable is being determined, waiting for the hands of fate to deliver what will be, CUT!..please take a moment to consider, Judgement, is cast
and formed by the observations of the human being as a species, individual contribution will not be noticed... What possible benefit would the
interbreeding with our inferior species be for them? Ah thats right, their curiosity and desire to replicate human emotion and inability to understand
the enigma that is a human sole, another load of S***, what would motivate any attempt to develop emotion into their species having witnessed its
power and how it remains the biggest threat to our race for all eternity. Are you really thinking about the bollocks spouting from your insignificant
#ing mouths?! Draining of bodily secretions?!, nothing our race could offer will enhance their existance, they certainly existed without effort long
before humans became part of the current universe, So Stop being one of the "I'm as thick as # movement", its people like you who constantly delay
the evolution of our species and our ability to attain higher spiritual level. Don't continue to distract your pathetic insignificant lives from
discovering your purpose here on earth, acknowledging the extent of how mans contribution has shaped the world, your biggest downfall is probably your
inability to perceive your own insignificance and accept your inferiority within the realms of the universe. Get over yourselves a minute! As if
anyone even gives a # about what you think.....You #ing knob jock # wipes