posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 06:44 PM
The mob never went away. They moved on up and they now run the country.
I am always amazed of the mob connections at the top of the cake. The icing is their for a purpose.
What is really cool is looking at how the bikers moved up. Used to be a lot of them. Hells Angels, Bandido's, Rebels, Ching a Lings, Satans Choice,
Pair a DIce, Loners, OUTLAWS, etc etc..and now out of the hundreds their are only a few left.
And most of them are Doctors, Lawyers, Respected Business men.
I would say it is Darwin in motion.
Anyways, I would vote for McCain so long as he leaves religion where the constitution says it should be and keeps Mit Romney out of VP.
If he is connected maybe that is good.