posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 04:26 PM
If you ask the man on the street in any typical Muslim country in the Middle East, who do you support more, the US or Al Qaeda, who do you think wins
the popular vote?
I'd be willing to be the most popular answer would be "none of the above"...
They don't like us for sticking our nose into their business for the past 60 years, installing puppet regimes, and supporting a European colony in
their neighborhood.
On the other hand, Bin Laden and his allies don't seem to have very much public support in the Islamic world either, despite all the scaremongering.
In fact they seem to be pretty widely hated and rejected.
Some fundamentalist Christians and radical Islamists would love to see a "kulturkampf" between the West and Islam -
and are doing their best to
start one.
In reality there
is such a cultural conflict ongoing, but it's a conflict within both the West and Islam to determine who will win out - the
medievalist fundamentalists, or those who want to live in the modern world.