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posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 08:46 AM
What is physical reality? What is consciousness? What is this whole [11:11] thing about? Well I personally believe [11:11] is a call, a single note, an alarm, a message to One to wake up and smell the coffee. This existence that we are experiencing is not as it seems, and something or someone is shouting out to us, "Hey you! Yes, you there with your head down and your mind all about, wake up. Remember. Wake up world, wake up humans, wake up and breathe for the first time in your life. Wake up! Wake up and smile for you are living in the most perfect of existences, you, you are experiencing love. You are not alone and You-Are-God. Open your mind. Clear you thoughts. Can you not see, love is all around you. Pay attention, and remember."

People all over the world are experiencing the same thing, [11:11]. They feel something deep inside. Some part of themselves is remembering. They want an explanation, "why is this happening? What is the meaning of[11:11] ?"

[11:11] is a code that will awaken the mind and change our evolution of consciousness. It will unlock the subconscious mind, and our genetic encoded memories. We will soon realize that we are not just physical beings, but we have a soul and a spirit. We are connected to everything. [11:11] is the activation of our DNA. We are moving into a higher frequency of consciousness. We will soon experience a sudden awakening, and our reality will never be the same.

Who all has experienced [11:11]? Does anyone want to share your life experiences that are [11:11] related? What does [11:11] mean to you?
Are you ready? Do you remember?

Thank you for you posts.

We are remembering.

[edit on 21-6-2008 by awakened sleeper]

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by awakened sleeper

[11:11] is a code that will awaken the mind and change our evolution of consciousness. It will unlock the subconscious mind, and our genetic encoded memories. We will soon realize that we are not just physical beings, but we have a soul and a spirit. We are connected to everything. [11:11] is the activation of our DNA. We are moving into a higher frequency of consciousness. We will soon experience a sudden awakening, and our reality will never be the same.

We are remembering.

Thank you for starting this thread. I knew the other day I was at a crossroads with my awakening, the ringing in my ears had gone into over drive and I was getting a 4 tone beep over the top of it. It was like something was shouting to me "Wake up " and of course I knew this but i was still just not listening enough, I thought Oh I'll think about this tomorrow. Then as I walked into my room the clock said 11.11 I couldnt believe it. It was at this point I knew I was finally listening.

When we see 1111 it is a prompt to really think about what is happening to us, its telling us to look at our choices and either confirm them or tell us to change direction. We know ourselves deep down which of these the message is, all we have to do is listen to our hearts.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by Mr Green

I cannot agree more. Usually we do turn our heads and walk away, but we are remembering. We are awakening. When I see [11:11] I am always in a higher state of awareness. Sometimes I am meditating and just happen to look at the clock- [11:11]. Sometimes I am reading my books all the while pondering on ascension and I will glance up at the clock- [11:11]. My cab fee has been [11:11] several times. It is appearing all over the place. I am remembering. WE are remembering our purpose.

*NOTE: My right ear just pulsed twice, and there it goes again.*

Thank you for the wonderful post.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 09:57 AM
Not exactly sure how to take this in, What are you getting at with 11:11?

You say we are "living in the most perfect of existences"

Yet when I look around all I see are problems and things that should be better. I cannot accept that the existence I am experiencing is perfect because I am experiencing more problems than anything.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 10:11 AM
When I began to often and randomly happen to see 11:11, I really found it peculiar. Even at times when I looked at the clock at say 11:04 and told myself, 'good, now don't look at the clock for awhile and let it pass,' wouldn't you know it, the next time I looked at the clock was 7 minutes later, 11:11.

What's very odd indeed is that it would happen on multiple clocks during the same day, and for the same instance of 11:11. Few of the clocks I see during the day are exactly synchronized, many are approximately set and are 5 or 10 minutes off of 'standard time.'

It remained steady for nearly a year, and has since progressed to different numeric sequences. Now it occurs 11 minutes after any hour. I realized that 11 minutes after the hour is 11:11 in two concurrent places in the world. Consult the following for world times:

For example as I'm typing this, it's 11:01PM in Beijing and 11:01AM in Boston. When you see 11:11, someone else on the other side of the world is having a similar experience. It affects all places.

That said, I really feel 11:11 is the beginning sequence for an awakening of sorts - it's an initiation into being distracted from being distracted. It starts with 11:11, then moves on to personally relevant numbers, or numbers that really stand out if noticed. Now for me, it could happen any number of times in the day (2:11, 4:54, 12:34, 5:55, etc.).

Personally, I'm seeing 3-digit numbers where the beginning number is the same as the last number. This has been happening for the last 4 months. I find that I either begin or end tasks inadvertently at the these times (I tend to glance at a clock when I start or finish something - start the car, stop the car, wake up, get into bed, finish something at work...on and on). I find now that numbers speak to me in so many ways (and keep in mind, this number thing is one small slice of the oddities I've experienced over the past 2 years).

Recently my Grandfather passed away on May 25, we were very close. I didn't realize until I read through his obituary the relevance of a lot of these numbers I see over and over. Every number meant something to me - Example: He died at 11:33 at age 88 on 5-25. He was born 22-11, 1919.

I think we all seek answers in the world around us. I also think the world is answering back. Trust me there are worse things to be obsessed with and distracted by. This has made me a lot more observant and perceptive of the world around me, and it has made me aware that's there's a lot more to life than existing within the routines we live and die by.

As for exactly what is causing this to happen, I can't specify if it's a mass consciousness thing, if it's our future selves trying to smack us out of our trances earlier, or if it's our own minds fooling themselves. Whatever the case, I feel no one's worse off for having experienced it.

[edit on 21/6/08 by Evasius]

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by Soliex
Not exactly sure how to take this in, What are you getting at with 11:11?

You say we are "living in the most perfect of existences"

Yet when I look around all I see are problems and things that should be better. I cannot accept that the existence I am experiencing is perfect because I am experiencing more problems than anything.

Thank you, Soliex.

I agree. Things are bad, real bad and they continue to get worse. There all lies all around us, reality is an illusion and we are very, very close to causing an antimatter-matter implosion that will send us back to Oneness. There is NO way out. There is only a way THROUGH. Okay, so what can I do about it? Well, we cannot do anything to change anyone or the way they think. We can only learn. We must learn to love and forgive. Unconditional Love, this is our way through.

I suggest meditating every day. Your higher self will guide you and your journey.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by Evasius
I think we all seek answers in the world around us. I also think the world is answering back. Trust me there are worse things to be obsessed with and distracted by. This has made me a lot more observant and perceptive of the world around me, and it has made me aware that's there's a lot more to life than existing within the routines we live and die by.

As for exactly what is causing this to happen, I can't specify if it's a mass consciousness thing, if it's our future selves trying to smack us out of our trances earlier, or if it's our own minds fooling themselves. Whatever the case, I feel no one's worse off for having experienced it.

Well put. Thank you, Evasius.

I agree. There is something to [11:11], and perhaps one day we will all know its meaning. It seems to be happening more frequently for me. I do not think this is an illusion or a pattern created by my imagination. There are to many people in to many places all over the world observing the this same occurrence.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 10:32 AM
I have attempted to meditate daily for the past 3 days. Almost 30seconds after I close my eyes I hear a distinct ring in my ears that starts to block out other noises. However, I have a really hard time clearing my head of thoughts, I get situations that pop into my head and start hearing conversations that I haven't heard before but from people I know. It feels like an intense daydream. I then realize I am doing it and try to force the thoughts out of my head.

I haven't seen any colors or shapes appear. I do however feel sort of pressure behind my eyes and I can almost feel as if I am looking past or moving into the darkness. My meditation sessions usually last about 10min and once finished I feel extremely relaxed and it takes me a minute before I can start moving my arms and legs, they almost feel paralyzed.

Is there any methods I can use to achieve better results?

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 10:44 AM
Question for you guys. I'm born on April 1st at 11:11AM, so what those it means for you? Am I the messiah!!?

[edit on 21-6-2008 by straw]

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 10:48 AM
Wow, take a look at this post:

According to godismath this 11:11 or 1111 or 1.111111 is some how linked to our DNA?

He has come up with a DNA Helix...I reccomend checking it out and reading the posts. Some very interesting theories.


posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 10:55 AM
It started 6 months ago,

The words can not express my frustration,

Almost everyday I see XX:11 Minutes, As in
and so on

Every day Minimum I see it once or twice,

Maximum 5 times... 7 times

During the 6 months when it started, not one day passes without seeing it,

It first started when I had a Car accedint, everyone thought I died seeing the Violante wreckages of the car, but I did'nt, only a little cut in my toe's nail
Thank God.....

I went to the hospital and I kept saying I am fine, but they insisted in making tests, and everything was normal.

for some reason, I think it all because after reading a weird Forum of a man who was telling his experience with an entity of some sort...

I am scared to go back to that site.


It comes spontaneously if you know what I mean, I do not wait for the minutes to come 11 no, it just happens, like for example I think to my self,
It's bed time, then in less then a second I look at the clock, its 11:11...

Its like these 11's are following me, let me give you an example of what happed 2 weeks ago in my office, My computer clock was early 2 minute, my Cell phone was early 1 minute, my office time stamp is correct/precise, what happened that freaked me out, As I was working on my PC I accdently saw the clock, it was 11:11 Okay I continued working,then my cell phone rang a minute later and to see who was calling there it was 11:11,and it was my boss asking for a file then I turned back to get the file and the time stamp was on my eyes level and it was 11:11,

Note that I never realized My PC nor My Cell phone were early in minutes till this event.

Now tell me I am not crazy, I do not drink I do not use any kind of medication I do not use drugs as in addictive, I don't drink coffee.

It really frustrates me I don't want to see 11s anymore I hate that number it scares me for that reason, I really need to know a Solid explanation for what is happening to me.

P.S. As I am writing this it is XX:47 minutes Thank god.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by Evasius

How did you "time your post" so carefully?

In my timezone -- you made this post at exactly 11:11 AM -- that is USA Eastern Time.

Coincidence, Evasius? Or were you purposely trying to post at 11:11 to make your point better?

Just curious. Seems pretty remarkable if this was not intended.

[edit on 21-6-2008 by Buck Division]

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by Soliex
I have attempted to meditate daily for the past 3 days. Almost 30seconds after I close my eyes I hear a distinct ring in my ears that starts to block out other noises. However, I have a really hard time clearing my head of thoughts, I get situations that pop into my head and start hearing conversations that I haven't heard before but from people I know. It feels like an intense daydream. I then realize I am doing it and try to force the thoughts out of my head.

I haven't seen any colors or shapes appear. I do however feel sort of pressure behind my eyes and I can almost feel as if I am looking past or moving into the darkness. My meditation sessions usually last about 10min and once finished I feel extremely relaxed and it takes me a minute before I can start moving my arms and legs, they almost feel paralyzed.

This is exactly what happened when I started meditating. I would hear conversations that have already happened in my past, and some that seem like schizophrenic thought. I too felt pressure behind my eyes. I managed to push through this apparent veil and unlocked my consciousness. You must clear all thoughts, and all brain activity. It takes time and many sessions but you too will we awakened. I now hear peoples thoughts. I hear people say things that they claim they do not utter. It is as if I hear only truth. I suggest continuing meditation. Eventually you will break through the veil, and it will feel as if you pulled all of the weight off of your shoulders. It is a truly amazing sensation.

Thank you for your reply.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 11:12 AM
Lol, I just looked at my clock and it's 11:11 as I read this thread.

Edit to add, I tend to see 3:33 a lot more, and whether or not it's a coincidence or not, it's had the effect of making me aware of the moment. Something we often forget to do.

[edit on 6/21/2008 by Kruel]

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by Chongun

You are not crazy. This is happening to many people from all over the world. I too see [11:11] everywhere, even in my dreams. I feel that we are being awakened. [11:11] is saying, "Pay attention!" Your higher self is speaking to you.

Thank you, Chongun.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by Kruel
Lol, I just looked at my clock and it's 11:11 as I read this thread.

Edit to add, I tend to see 3:33 a lot more, and whether or not it's a coincidence or not, it's had the effect of making me aware of the moment. Something we often forget to do.

Excellent post! You are completely right. If anything just becoming aware of that moment is enough. Many people are not aware. They live like zombies or clones.

Kruel, perhaps this thread is one of your syncronicities.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 01:11 PM

Originally posted by Buck Division
reply to post by Evasius

How did you "time your post" so carefully?

In my timezone -- you made this post at exactly 11:11 AM -- that is USA Eastern Time.

Coincidence, Evasius? Or were you purposely trying to post at 11:11 to make your point better?

Just curious. Seems pretty remarkable if this was not intended.

[edit on 21-6-2008 by Buck Division]

I checked everyones posting times after you said this and my first post is timed 21:11
This was absolutely not done on purpose and I was shocked when I saw it. Then Evasius posted exactly 1 hour later at 22:11.
Coincidence? Who knows but my life has been so full of coincidences now for months I would tend to say

now this post says 01:11 Im going to stop posting you'll think Im doing this on purpose but Im not.

[edit on 21-6-2008 by Mr Green]

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 02:08 PM
I too see 1111 all the time, very randomly. Are we reconnecting with the cosmos?

As a side note: The Winter Solstice on 12/21/2012 will occur at exactly 11:11am GMT. Wake up call? I'd say.

[edit on 21-6-2008 by PhotonEffect]

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by PhotonEffect
I too see 1111 all the time, very randomly. Are we reconnecting with the cosmos?

As a side note: The Winter Solstice on 12/21/2012 will occur at exactly 11:11am GMT. Wake up call? I'd say.

[edit on 21-6-2008 by PhotonEffect]

Is this true? Thats amazing, yes thats a very big wake up call how did you find this information out?

Good post.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by PhotonEffect

I'll say, what a wake up call! Thank you, PhotonEffect.

I think you are on to something. I believe we are all connected to the cosmos.

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