posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by Nerevar
The evidence is out there but you will never find solid proof, nobody wants you to have it thus it's not available to find.
There are endless documents, stories, abudctions and sightings in the millions to be exact if you could count everything.
There are many witnesses and government related personel that have come forward to enlighten us and bring out some truths some to be missing in action
and some suddenly supposedly committing suicide but you can only guess what took place there.
Now do we really believe that a million sightings, abductions and other cases along with all of the stories from ancient civilizations are mere
There are also the many implants that have been surgically removed from abductees, unexplainable parts found not of this world. Not only from implants
but from space craft. Try reasearching Bob Lazar and what he has seen. He never believed in UFO's and thought it was nuts until he was put on a
government project, the guy is for real. Also try viewing Phil Schnieder's story along with look into the disclosure project with Dr. Greer who has a
long list of governement witnesses that agreed to come forward along with a long list of documents and evidence. (I call it evidence but not absolute
proof.) I could go on and on of others!
That is enough evidence for me.
The ET's do exist and there are many races of them some visiting our planet and some that have lived here for thousands of years from what we have
Just do a little reasearch and the deeper you dig the more you realize it's all for real.
When I look into space and all the stars it reveals how little we are and how naive is it for humans to think we are the only one's that exist.
Best Regards!