posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 11:34 PM
As the article states:
…nowhere in there does Malik expressly say anything about Obama having a Muslim background.
And nowhere does he "confirm" anything about Obama having a Muslim background.
Yet Brit Hume and FOX news rushed to put their slant on the story. It was more than enough to pounce on and claim that Obama was a secret (dreaded)
Muslim. That we should fear him.
Misconstruing the facts yet again, the media produces a biased lie and the simple-minded followers of “news” programs such as this, hand deliver
the lie to the people around them.
I know these sort of facts won’t stop the barrage of inane Obama threads (some of which should at least be in Skunkworks) that connect him to
everything from the 9-11 attacks to the Da Vinci code, but someone needs to look at these stories and see if they have the slightest bit of merit. I
know those posting them could care less if they are true. To them the accusation is made, and it is up to you to figure out if it is fact or fiction.
In the feverish rush to poke holes in the Obama campaign many detractors are skipping the high road of truth and real debate on the actual issues that
will affect the course of our country at least for the next four years. They have opted to take the muddy trail of unsubstantiated accusations and
outright shameless fear mongering. The have opted to relentlessly pump out useless Obama threads that make you wonder which paranoid area will be
reached in the next five minutes.
I personally think this is, above all else, and extremely important time in America. After the last eight years of this administration and its
decisions our country is looking to hit hard times fast. We have to make an informed decision regarding who should take up the helm when Bush and Co.
departs. There are plenty of quagmires that need draining and we cannot afford a brand new mess that will further rip this country apart.
Both McCain and Obama are politicians. Nothing more. They will do and say what they need to in order to get where they want. This is a given, so lets
look at what they have on the table objectively. We don’t need anymore biased divisive junk threads that we KNOW are simply false. Hell we have so
many already the people creating them don’t even have time to attend the threads before their off to create a new one.
It’s time to grow up folks.
This is serious.
- Lee