posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 04:59 PM
Just this monday gone i was sat on my sofa watching TV at approx 0900hrs. I was sat there packing a bag getting ready to go away on business for 2
days. On Sky news was GW Bush being interviewed along with his wife. They were in the UK and the presenter was asking about his visit. All going
That was until the presenter mentioned Iraq/Afghan etc and Bush seemed a little lost. It was the end of the interview that really got my attention. It
was the last words (And expression) from Bush himself. He looked at the presenter with a glint in his eye and a definite devious smile and said "A
lot can get done in 6 months" i had visions of his PR team and script writers biting their lips that this guy had just gone off script. I took it as
a threatening message as if to say "Its not over yet, Just wait and see"
Here is a link to the full transcript of that conversation with the option of watching the video. Watch the video and watch Bush as he says this in
like the third to last comment made.
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