posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 02:31 PM
Originally posted by 1011010110
Funny how all the major media outlets for alternative news are attacked. Alex Jones, Rense, Icke, etc are all attacked because they're antisemites.
there is a VAST difference between anti semitism and being critical of a nations policies and actions.
somehow criticism of isreal has and is being misconstrewed as criticism of judiasm,where did this occur?,i believe its intentional,a propaganda coup
upon the masses.
if the same logic were to be applied,being critical of the monarchy of nepal makes you anti buddhist.
the problem is that the power structures in isreal for some reason have been hijacked to promote a zionist agenda,that the people of judea- because it
says so in the torah, are entilted to most of the middle east,thus the other people living in free lands are dehumanised squatters,in the way of the
land of zion.
many such other beliefs are perpitrated by elements of the power makes me suspiscious that in key countries in which religious
conflict would be nescecary in order for project bluebeam to bloom,religious extemists have somehow had thier agenda served since the late 1940's.
infiltration folks.
[edit on 11-10-2008 by welivefortheson]