posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 02:28 PM
wow... see, i was thinking quite the opposite question. what's w/ all the obama love on here?
i don't hate the man, but i hate what he stands for, as i do w/ what mccain stands for bc it is against the ideals this country was founded on.
i doubt those who say they are for either of these men really have done the research for themselves about how this country was to be run.. by the ppl
for the ppl and of the ppl. i doubt any of them know anything about the idea of a smaller gov't, yet both these candidates are for expanding the
anyway, i could go on and on. what i am hating more than these ideas they have that are anti gov't is the fact that ppl believe what they have been
taught in school and are too lazy to go out and find what this country was actually supposed to be and therefore buy into the lies that are being
handed out.
i hate the fact they are willing to let their gov't fix their problems rather than being more self sufficient bc it is too much hard work.
i am livid that me and my children are subjected to the effects of their laziness and ill informed ideas of what the gov't and its role is supposed
to be. livid w/ a capital L-I-V-I-D!!