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An independant investigation...Is it possible?

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posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 09:52 PM
We all talk about having an independant investigation..But who's gonna investigate?And even if US govt is found guilty,Who's going to overthrow them?

[edit on 18-6-2008 by MGTONY]

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by MGTONY

I haven't checked out your blog.

There was an independant investigation of 9/11 which was underway before 9/11 took place. That investigation was being led by FBI agents who were derailed by a supervisor who was subsequently promoted. I think we might get somewhere if we tapped the people who were thwarted the first time and fired the guy who thwarted them.

The same general thought would apply to the situation around "Abel Danger".

Here again we find people who were doing their jobs who were thwarted and in fact persecuted. There is a pattern here.

Personally I think that we might get an independant investigation if we allowed the existing investigative bodies in the police, FBI, CIA, insurance companies, news agencies and other regulatory bodies, FAA etc. to do their jobs. Task them to find out what happened on 9/11 and let them do their jobs.

When we do that we get results. The problem arises when the results are filed under G, or suppressed in some way. There is no problem getting an investigation, the problem is getting disinterested, let the chips fall where they may, oversight.

Maybe President Obama will be able to do something about that. Remember the government won't be convicted. Hopefully individuals will.

Incidentally two tools that could be very helpful in cracking this thing open are (1) a presidentially appointed 9/11 ombudsman to handle complaints from investigators that feel that they are being interfered with and (2) judicious offers of immunity to key perps at important nodes of the criminal organisation that carried out 9/11.

[edit on 18-6-2008 by ipsedixit]

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 12:42 AM
reply to post by ipsedixit

US govt thwarted the investigation bcos they are powerful enough to do even if we get reults from an investigation,they can easily cover it up.And i expect the same from Obama,cos that person is already talking of iran war.I think we must blame the govt as a whole instead of individuals.All have same agenda.

And for FBI to investigate again,they need authorisation from the govt.Do you think that will happen?

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 11:04 AM
And what if an independant investigation also concluded there was no conspiracy, as the non-governmental Purdue, ASCE and PM inquiries did?

The very nature of conspiracy theories, particularly this one, precludes their being falsified in the eyes of believers, no matter what evidence to the contrary is presented and by whom, the theory is always correct because any such contradicting evidence is either fabricated by the Man or is flawed by virtue of questionable methodology.

Ad infinitum.

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by MGTONY

You make some good points. Ultimately it is up to the American people to push for an investigation and to insist that it be done properly. There are mechanisms that could be employed to do this, but ultimately the American people will have to push their legislators to get the job done.

If there is no will to make that push then America and the world (unfortunately) will have to accept the consequences.

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 11:00 PM

Originally posted by Kulturcidist
And what if an independant investigation also concluded there was no conspiracy, as the non-governmental Purdue, ASCE and PM inquiries did?

People would have to acceept the results, but I'm not talking about another 9/11 commission. I believe that all the relevant agencies mentioned in my first post simply be allowed to do their jobs. Even the official 9/11 commissioners discussed laying purjury charges against some of the military officers who appeared before them. They should have layed those charges.

The very nature of conspiracy theories, particularly this one, precludes their being falsified in the eyes of believers, no matter what evidence to the contrary is presented and by whom, the theory is always correct because any such contradicting evidence is either fabricated by the Man or is flawed by virtue of questionable methodology.

Personally, I'm not concerned with conspiracy theorists or their beliefs when it comes to an investigation of 9/11. Conspiracy theory is all in the realm of speculation, some of it highly intelligent and informed and some of it very fanciful. You are quite right that people will cling to a belief no matter what contrary evidence is presented. This forum is full of examples of that.

It is the job of the court system to wade through thickets like the one you describe. Court cases are full of liars and looneys and paid up gangsters. The system doesn't always work, but by and large it is not a source of major social discontent.

I say let the relevant agencies investigate and let the legal authorities deal with the results.

[edit on 18-6-2008 by ipsedixit]

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 11:17 PM
Good points. Obama is a real wildcard. He could be just another bilderberger...or the joker is wild...we shall see.

I think there will be a strong movement to arrest and charge bush&co with war crimes this will be the test for obama. on the extreme outside possiblity that mccain is elected there will be riots... barring any unforseen scandal dredged up against obama.

there could very well be an independent investigation in conjuction with the war crimes trial of george and dick.

[edit on 18-6-2008 by Leo Strauss]

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 04:58 AM
reply to post by Leo Strauss

you are optimistic..if something like this happens,then will it be for the first time?Inexperiance might be a problem here...and we cant be sure how the govt will react to riots if mccain comes to power..from what i know govt was hard at dealing with protesters during vietnam war..

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 05:04 AM
reply to post by ipsedixit

i think for a mechanism to be successfully employed,there must be enough support from media...From what i know journalists in US are working like slaves to the govt..

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 05:13 AM
I think that relatives of people killed who do not believe official version should take the lead and organize the money-raising campaign. Then hire a non-government professionals who did not express any agenda before (private investigators, architects, explosives experts, aviation experts and ctr) and using US elections as a driving force to get access to documents and other evidence. Once elections will end - the options to push politicians around will be slimmer.
And by the way, i believe official version. However since there are accusations of different major institutions, some are from my country, i would like to hear another well-researched opinion that will clear (or not
) the atmosphere.

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 10:31 AM
“An independant investigation...Is it possible?”

Yes, it is possible… even likely. It will fall on deaf ears because the so called Truthers just want to believe in some major conspiracy. Their mindset makes them feel better about themselves if they believe they are one-up or more intelligent then everyone else.

How do you fight a group of people who refuse to hear experts/professionals time after time explain basically what happened, but they flock to charlatans using fuzzy logic?

I have lost count of how many versions of “the truth” there have been, but they hide behind the word “theory”, so that allows them to change on an almost daily basis. By far the official story has been the closest theory anyone can agree on. Just because someone asks questions over and over and over doesn’t mean that you will understand the answer. Asking lots of questions can show intelligence, but repeatedly ignoring & misunderstanding the answers makes you a CTer.

Not to mention… at what point do the cost of repeated government investigations start getting billed directly to the CTers?

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