posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 03:57 PM
Try working backwards from the result that you want. Do you desire a close-knit family, good paying job, material goods, sexual partners, etc. You
just have to be honest with yourself. Once you decide what you want, just take the steps necessary to reach that goal. Of course, the road to that
goal will not be smooth, but having a specific end in mind will not only provide for a tangible result, but it allows you to set milestones so that
you have tangible steps to take on your way. Also, to agree with dave420, make sure your goal doesn't involve hurting other people. Objectively
it's a subjective point, however, I think it's a valuable moral.
When it comes down to it, life is an empty canvas. You can paint whatever you want on it. We all have to play games, and we all wear different
faces. What matters is that you are honest with yourself, because at the end of the day, you are the only person you have to answer to. Also, Buck
Division, if you want to play the game that book is very useful.