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The Apollo Landing Argument Thread

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posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 10:42 PM
To start off, i would like to say this is meant as an argument thread, not just presenting one side of the argument. I would like to see people on both sides posting in here. That said, i don't want a bunch of insults thrown around. I know there will be insults (it's not like i'm innocent of it) but i would like you guys to at least try.

Nevermind, moved post to different topic.

[edit on 16-6-2008 by W35M4N]

[edit on 17-6-2008 by W35M4N]

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 11:23 PM
reply to post by W35M4N

W35, great find!

It should be obvious to anyone how that was just playing with the camera (how many portable video cameras existed in 1969?!?) and it mirrored, somewhat, my first experiences with a vidCam back in 1992. (Hint...the Auto-Focus was all over the place, and the zoom showed all of the shakiness seen here. Add to that the need to steady, in a very confined space, in zero-G)

I have a lot of useless tape, where I thought I pushed the 'stop' button, and just get video of the ground as I the Parthenon, in Athens, which is the trip I purchased the camera for!!

Also, white-balance, and so forth. Common in those days were the 8mm film cameras (my Dad filmed a lot, when I was a youngin') ... video cameras were huge, usually used in studios, or by news organizations. These larger video cams (remember, video tape was still pretty new too...compared to what we're used to today) were mounted on steady platforms, not hand-held.

I just bought a new video cam (not sure why...but it also takes stills) and it's the size of a paper back book, and records to an 8 GB SD card. No tapes, no moving parts. This, for an upcoming trip to the Baltic Sea region. The camera I bought (and still own), a Sony 8mm tape, in 1992 cost me about $1500. This new Canon digital cam was less than $400. Hmmmm.........and, I can get 3 hours on one card, download it into the laptop, erase it, and re-use it....hmmmmmmm

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 11:36 PM
May I ask why you have started a thread on this topic when there are dozens already here on ATS? I think pretty much everything that could be said has been said in all the threads already.

Here's the largest of the already ongoing discussions.

An end to the moon Coonspiracy

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 12:09 AM
This thread can be deleted, i am reposted this in an already existing thread. Sorry, i don't know why i didn't think of this earlier.

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 12:16 AM
reply to post by W35M4N

W35, that's up to the mods, if they wish to close this one. It will remain for others to see, and I see you brought your re-post to the other thread...

Still, nice find, there in the YouTube desert!!

(every now and then, you can find a gem, even in a desert)

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