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Gay Marrige today in california...

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posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 06:09 PM
This is insane...

The media is freaking out over this.

Its been called, "Like the same as New Years"

The news is giving updates all the time, they keep counting down the time until 'Gays can marry'.

The California news is having a freaking orgasim over gay marrige. ITS ALL THIER TALKING ABOUT!!!

Why do we have to hear about 2 ladies saying they are so happy to get married. HOW IS THIS NEWS!

Is the rest of the country being subjected to this? Are you getting bi-hour updates on gay marrige... calling them updates is a misnomer... cause thier is nothing to update... nothing is changeing... all they are doing is putting some gay couple on the air, and letting them say how much fun getting married is going to be...

God its getting gay in california...

Today is officaly "Gay Day" in california...

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 07:08 PM
I, personally, am proud to live in a state that recognizes that any two humans should be allowed to make the choice to be married, if that is what they wish to do! Gender holds absolutely no bearing on whether or not two individuals in love can formally express their feelings for one another for all who choose to witness!!
And honestly, I would rather hear about these people finally being able to realize their dreams than Britney's latest rehab stint or Brangelina adopting yet another country of children!!!
Be happy!

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by TKainZero

instead of denying ignorance, how about you deny your way of thinking

this is a freedom for someone who has wanted freedom and now they have gotten it

what kind of american are you?

gay this, gay that, do you think you are going to catch the gay?

oh that would be hilarious

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 07:31 PM
Why is this news? Why does this have to be on every news break?

The means in which this was made legal are terrifiying. Judges overturning a refferendum by the people? Not a good precedent to have.

[quote[what kind of american are you? A true patriot

do you think you are going to catch the gay?
I don't think gayness is a comunicable desiease. It can't be 'passed' on.

Feeling good for something is not justification for doing it.

When German Judges in the 1930's implemented new laws, im sure a portion of the German people were happy.

The act of the judges overruling the refuerendum of the people is a horrible precident. Even if you are a homosexual, or in full support of homosexual rights, you cannot belive that the judges overruling the will and vote of the people is a good thing.

Now the fact, that on a national level, on every medium, that the media is celibrating this travesty is an eye-opener... there is not one honest journalist left, with the decency to ask the questions that matter.

So gays can now marry in california, until this november election, when Callifornia will AGAIN vote to ban same-sex marriages.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 01:38 AM
Yup the news is worldwide!!

And welcomed.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 07:24 PM

The act of the judges overruling the refuerendum of the people is a horrible precident. Even if you are a homosexual, or in full support of homosexual rights, you cannot belive that the judges overruling the will and vote of the people is a good thing.

Sure I can.

That's the purpose of a Supreme Court, to ensure that laws violating Constitutional protections of citizen's rights can be struck down no matter how popular they are.

IE if 55% of the population voted for a bill saying the other 45% of the population should be thrown into woodchippers, yeah that would technically be the "will of the people", but I'd still be glad to see the courts throw it out

That's the difference between Constitutional Democracy and simple mob rule...

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by TKainZero

Ah, We meet again!

It's news because it is Historic.

A "True PAtriot" would be supportive of equal rights for all His/Her fellow citizens. A "True Patriot" would not support laws, and the beliefs and attitudes that spawn such laws, which seek to marginalize and reduce an entire group of his law-abiding fellow citizens to "second-class" status under the law.

Consider this, TKain...

Suppose I were to sponsor a law that would alter the Constitution in a way that would prohibit Christians from being allowed to marry?

If you don't like it, well one's religion is just a choice, so change your religion if you want to be married!

Suppose that law passed (Perhaps because the majority of my fellow citizens were no longer Christian).

How, then would you feel about the protection of "Equality Under the Law" which the California Supreme court upheld in its ruling against discrimination against homosexuals in marriage?

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by TKainZero

Oh my the HATE is on!
We can see it in your writing, I really feel sorry for you, You poor thing.

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