posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 03:46 AM
As far as my knowledge takes me, the brain makes chemical/electrical impulses which is interpreted as sight/sound/sensations.
We actually need two seperate devices to send and receive sound, so it stands to simple logic that we would need an input/output device to actually
register the electrical impulses of someones brain and for them to be interpreted.
We have vocal chords for making and ears for receiving sound. These two devices are designed in such a manner that they are hardwired to the brain and
are complete with all the latest updated and installed driver software (language, sight, memory, imagination, other senses)
We may already have the drivers downloaded for reading other brains, it's just not installed yet or has been disabled for some reason ( there's a
large part of our brain that we do not currently use).
Yes, it may very well be possible for us to read brain patterns, but until we learn to do it naturally, we may have to make use of man-made hardware
that we plug and play direct to our brains receptors. Both the speach centre and sound recognition portions of the brain would have to be wired up to
the port for any such device to be able to send/receive.