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Most of Us Already Chipped, By Choice

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posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 06:47 AM
reply to post by pureevil81

And that 'chip' (RFID) is spinning off a brand new feature for the next generation of mobile phones. Looky here

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 07:08 PM
I don't own a cell phone and last time I checked, you don't place them on your forehead. And what if the user of the phone was left handed?

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 12:44 AM
Well, I have to say this is interesting in that I've been explaining to people progressively for the better part of two decades now, that your social security number, driver's license number, pager number, credit card numbers, credit score numbers, medical records numbers, cell phone numbers, Mobile Speedpass, GPS number, OnStar number, license plate numbers, VIN numbers, you can literally keep going with this for the better part of two paragraphs here, all are all a way for the Government as well as Corporations to "chip" away at our psyche's in the performance of the greatest sham in the world.

This would be to get you so inundated and associated mentally with numbers, overwhelmingly so that they are literally running around in your head so as to make it confusing to remember them all and as well to make you want to get equally frustrated with identity theft, cell phones being stolen, vehicles being stolen, add your own issues there, that you just have to wish for an easier way to do things. Meanwhile you are being fooled into believing that through the benevolence of Government that in their wish to protect your privacy, yeah right, that as technology improves, then identity theft will decrease naseum infiniti.

The problem here of course is with this eventually dwindling down to the Digital Angel/Verichip biochip being impanted in you, the World Government had to figure out how to overwhelm society as a whole in order to get them to willingly accept it. So, you see, all these techno-gadgets, are all like a giant puzzle, and you mentally put them together as you think about your particular desires, as well as giving customer feedback on your customer service phone calls to the various companies, you essentially push this towards your own acceptance through a desire of the "bigger and better" electronic devices, except in this instance it's in the reverse, that it's smaller and better.

Here's the one particular issue I see as the biggest problem here. If they were upfront with the whole thing to begin with, it might be one thing, but the fact that they had to scatter all of this to the four corners of the winds, like tossing a 10000 piece puzzle into the air, to get you to accept it, because they all know that for you to see the whole of all of it would be like choking on a piece of food too large for your mouth and you will puke at the idea and fact that in essence, this is the Government as well as the Corporation's way of stalking you, with your willing acceptance and compliance in that you only see the the one side of the coin here. No more identity theft, no more rememebering numbers, no more pieces of paper cluttering your wallet, no more IRS files, because it will all eventually be stuffed into the tiny little biochip the size of an insignificant penny or almost as small as a grain of rice.

If you look at at the fact that they started with your cute and cuddly pets first, because as we all know almost any pet lover will do almost anything to get their doggy or kitty back, or your personal identity which is you being you in all ways, or your medical records three things that people are extremely passionate about, because without your medical records, the Doctor might accidently misdiagnose you and kill you, or even accidently bill you incorrectly as well.

Remember, the biochip is as insignificant as a penny that the Treasury Department and U.S. Mint were considering doing away with, yet Verichip Corporation wants you to subliminally associate it with this said same penny, meaning it's the same as money, and it's almost as small as a grain of rice meaning also they want you to associate it mentally with your food, as well as the corporate logo of Verichip sure looks like an eye, like the All-Seeing Eye, in that we are watching you everywhere, at all times, in every way they are in essence admitting to you in advance that they are stalking you and you should wish for it and accept it.

See, I've been stalked off and on since I was six years old, it's not fun in any way, shape, or form to have someone you can not see at all times lurking around. It's actually creepy as Hell if you ask anyone who's had it done to them like I have had in the past twenty-nine years. The biggest other issue I have here, with the biochip is that not only will it have all of this information about you avalible and on hand, if you start trending towards disagreeing with the Government in any way, it will be sorted, filed, and documented, and here's where the biggest problem lies.

After a certain amount of red flags of your free-thinking ways from the Government and the Corporations that pay them off, they can flip the switch on your biochip as they scan it and instantaneously your source of identity, your gateway to acceptance in society, your ability to purchase food, as well as seek medical attention, can all be stripped away in a heartbeat.

That's when the proverbial crapola really hits the fan, because then they will label you as a dissident, or an enemy combatant, or terrorist, you pick the particular word, as I'm sure there will be some new ones later on as things progressively get worse. Check out the thread in the signature below all of these words with the philosophical question of whether your Government is stalking you. You just might open your eyes and see what you should've been seeing all along. Your loss of individuality as well as your loss of independance and loss of freedoms through your willingly accepting this small and insignificant little, teeny, tiny chip.


Government can be a good thing, if it weren't for the fact that it's made of other humans who have their own agendas for your life, and it should never be allowed to become more powerful that the people it has sworn to serv and protect. Even protecting you from Government itself, that's what it's supposed to do, not be able to take away your very life in all ways.

Your cell phone with GPS in it, can tell your location even if it's off, your OnStar can not only unlock your door it can lock them as well, your OnStar can not only broadcast what you say when you push the little blue button it can listen quietly while you're having an arguement wife your spouse, your OnStar service can be canceled if you so choose but they will still be tracking you and the only difference is that they respond when you pay them, your OnStar can be disabled if you have the time and energy, but don't forget to track down the backup secondary passive tracking system as well.

[edit on 29-6-2008 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

You summed this up much better than I could even imagine. When you say the govt and corp's are chipping away at us, you have it right.

You raise some excellent points about all of our numbers, numbers everywhere, it makes me dizzy. I went to visit a friend earlier, and asked to use the phone. They did not have long distance, so she offered me her cell phone. I did not even know how to open or dial the thing, she thought it was funny I had to have her dial the number for me.

I think we have a fast paced chaotic life in America, and people buy into the 'convenient" part of pagers, cells, onstars, etc. and as you say, will probably be begging for the implantable by the time it starts getting pushed hard. What is sad is that most of us are already 'chipped' away, and will use the how much simpler life is now with one chip for all data.

Thank you for the response, SKL.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 09:28 PM
I am not going to lie I would get chipped in a heart beat if it meant I did not have to go to any more show me your dog tags and id card formations. For real those the OP was and is right people will willingly get this for the convenience of it. Imagine never having to carry cash or a card on you again, or never having to worry about where your kids are. Because you could just look it up on line. Than imagine the government listing to every conversation you have, they would know your every move god forbid you speak out agents it or them because it would only be too easy to find you freeze your money because there are no cards or cash to speak of. I would not willingly get chipped. That is just me thoe

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by hotbakedtater
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

You summed this up much better than I could even imagine. When you say the govt and corp's are chipping away at us, you have it right.

You raise some excellent points about all of our numbers, numbers everywhere, it makes me dizzy. I went to visit a friend earlier, and asked to use the phone. They did not have long distance, so she offered me her cell phone. I did not even know how to open or dial the thing, she thought it was funny I had to have her dial the number for me.

I think we have a fast paced chaotic life in America, and people buy into the 'convenient" part of pagers, cells, onstars, etc. and as you say, will probably be begging for the implantable by the time it starts getting pushed hard. What is sad is that most of us are already 'chipped' away, and will use the how much simpler life is now with one chip for all data.

Thank you for the response, SKL.

hotbakedtater, I'm glad you liked the reply I gave. in case you didn't notice or know, I submitted your thread to DIGG, and you will see it's gotten three "DIGG's" so far, the one I did to submit it, and two other from outside ATS did as well.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 10:10 PM
I love my cell phone because it is an enormous convenience, but I control it. It does not control me.

I can take it with me or I can leave it at home. If ever I need to hide I can pull the battery out of the thing in 2 seconds, but mostly, I want my cell phone to keep track of where I am, just in case there's an emergency and I'm disabled in some way.

There is one plan afoot that I don't like at all.

Some retailers are getting ready to track customers around their stores for marketing purposes.

It's my phone and it's for my benefit only. I pay for it and I don't want some retailer using my phone for their purposes.

So, when that day arrives, which probably won't be too long, I'll be leaving the phone in the car or turning it off when I shop.

If the stores wants to use my cell phone, they can pay the bill.

One of the stores I shop in likes to track my buying habits. I don't mind, because I just buy odds and ends there and they give me a nice discount on some of the things I buy in exchange. That's a fair trade.

[edit on 2008/6/29 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 06:12 AM
I don't own a cell phone. No GPS tracking for me. I use only cash to purchase goods. I still don't see what everyone's fascination with a cell phone is.

Ooo look I can text people while I'm out with other people disturbing the people who I was suppose to be socializing with in the first place. Cell phones will be the downfall of society I swear. I can't seem to find a day where I don't pass some moron either in their car talking on their phone while driving... walking down the street with their friend while texting someone else like a cyborg.

People are so addicted to these damn things I see them checking their phone every 2 minutes. "Ooo did someone text me... oops no.. hope someone isn't watching me check my phone every 2 minutes I might look like an idiot... "

Yea I don't like cell phones at all . Rant done.

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 12:50 AM
If the government heard every word i have ever said in my life, i honestly dont think they would think back to anything i have ever said, i have never done anything putting someones life in harm or anything, so why would they need to go after me? It doesn't matter if they hear what I'm saying at all times, I have nothing to hide, anyone that is afraid of this is seemably guilty to a crime, otherwise you would not worry about it.

posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by sir_chancealot

thought just intruded here:

so what would that mean for poor hindus?

they have the bindu thing going one, you know, vertical/horizontal stripes and dots and whatnot.

I guess the revelationists (I don't think of them as christian) are so intolerant they look down their noses at the hindus at best anyway.

I still think it's awfully lame the Sikhs got murdered in california and new york after 911.

sikh is not equal to moslem.

Sikhs are from India. Not Saudi Arabia.

but I digress.

I think that Credit Cards match the revelations thing better than cell phones, as the credit system has infiltrated most things.

I use Cash only.

I don't even use checks. you'd be surprised how often you have to have a credit card for things as basic as turning on your cable or getting a hotel room.

most of the time you even have to have credit to get an apartment.

posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 07:21 PM
Um, the number of the beast will be branded on your hand or head,It will be part of your body,not a device u can throw away whenever u choose like a cell phone lol. it will be in your body ,it will defile the temple of the body.Dont say it will be a item we use,like money,or cellphones,or creditcards.It will be mor elike a implant,which i will alow noone to do to my person,nor will i take a brand of anything...... and 666 is the = to a equilatural triangle,much like the delta force symble.Be worried when someone says take this IMPLANT, or take this BRAND or you can not buy can buy anything you want at the present time without a cell phone or a credit card or even a bank account,ask any hispanic person here that is illegal.They continue on and send money to mexico with out any such decives.
So stop with the cell phone and credit card scare lol.

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