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Is NWO Really A Smokescreen ?

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posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 10:42 AM
Hello, I am new to ATS, though I have read a bit...
I am interested in NWO because if it's real, then many things seem to make sense. I have noticed many informed posts on the subject here, but- none ( at least that I've seen ) that get to the heart of the matter..the ultimate purpose.
From what I gather: NWO is a group of internationalists who would control everyone and everything via their control of government, media, and economy- for the purpose of seting up a one - world government, which they would rule. Is that more or less correct ?
I am confused about a couple of things...
1. If internationalists profit from conflict and tension ( and most of all, borders ), then why would they wish to eliminate them? No borders, for example would seem to mean limited oppertunities for currency manipulation, among other things.
2.Isn't it true that there are more nations, borders, insurgencies and civil wars now, than when Bush 41 made his famous NWO speech ? Is NWO incompetent or behind schedule?
3.Why would the regional powers that be who live and are worshipped as lords want to become local managers for something much bigger ?
4.How many Cokes and Cheverolets are sold in a police state? Who has use for attorneys in a police state,etc.?

The whole thing, at least what little I know, doesn't seem to make sense from a business standpoint.
Could it be that NWO is just a smokescreen... a lie told to idealists ( politicians]so that these politician's can believe something other than chaos is going on, and that they are part of something big?
I would appreciate comment or links. Thanks.

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 10:53 AM

Personally, I think the Iraq War has been a smokescreen in order to get one step closer to the NWO (North American Union) here at home. While we have been chasing 'Insurgents' from desert mirage to desert mirage, back here at home in the US, Bush has signed treaties that decrease our national sovereignty and 'signing statements' that have increased the theoretical power of the President, with the Congress giving him a free pass, hoping that would be enough to prevent his Cabal from staging another type 9-11 event.

I didn't even know what the New World Order was until Bush II came into office.

Now I am praying for our grandchildren. Be aware. Be diligent. and Be Free....

Marcy Kaptur on the dangers of the North American Union.

Marcia Carolyn "Marcy" Kaptur (born June 17, 1946) is a Democratic politician in the United States House of Representatives for the Ninth Congressional District of Ohio. The district is based in Toledo.
Serving her thirteenth term, Kaptur is currently the most senior woman in Congress and in the House of Representatives; she ranks 32nd out of 435 members on the seniority list.

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 11:01 AM
All of this is being done(the consolidation of power) so that when the time
is right and all the nations of the earth are under absolute controll the capstone will be set on the pyramid, so to speak, and their(leaders of the free world) Lord (Lucifer) will begin his mighty and fearful reign over this planet.
The funny thing is that these same aholes that are helping to create this think that the lord lucifer will look favorably upon his fearful servants when in fact they are just pawns in a much bigger game. They will eventually be anihalated too.
I am 100 percent serious. Wish I had time to provide some links.

[edit on 15-6-2008 by cbass]

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by Skelkie3
Hello, I am new to ATS, though I have read a bit...
I am interested in NWO because if it's real, then many things seem to make sense. I have noticed many informed posts on the subject here, but- none ( at least that I've seen ) that get to the heart of the matter..the ultimate purpose.
From what I gather: NWO is a group of internationalists who would control everyone and everything via their control of government, media, and economy- for the purpose of seting up a one - world government, which they would rule. Is that more or less correct ?
I am confused about a couple of things...
1. If internationalists profit from conflict and tension ( and most of all, borders ), then why would they wish to eliminate them? No borders, for example would seem to mean limited oppertunities for currency manipulation, among other things.
2.Isn't it true that there are more nations, borders, insurgencies and civil wars now, than when Bush 41 made his famous NWO speech ? Is NWO incompetent or behind schedule?
3.Why would the regional powers that be who live and are worshipped as lords want to become local managers for something much bigger ?
4.How many Cokes and Cheverolets are sold in a police state? Who has use for attorneys in a police state,etc.?

The whole thing, at least what little I know, doesn't seem to make sense from a business standpoint.
Could it be that NWO is just a smokescreen... a lie told to idealists ( politicians]so that these politician's can believe something other than chaos is going on, and that they are part of something big?
I would appreciate comment or links. Thanks.

There are many things within the NWO theories that CONFLICT with each other that i have picked up on.Anyone who pours over the information carefully can see it.Your comment from a business standpoint is correct.It actually would be better for people to keep fighting each than have a NAU.Yet thats what these theories say they want to do.Pulford story supposedly from Japan about the list of countries under these globalists control also conflicts with other lists of countries that are under their control.WTF?Are they that incompetant that they cant get their stories straight?
No.AL-QAEDA themselves have declare a CYBER_JIHAD on the West.Its very easy to make your own website now.So easy an idiot can do it.Videos on video sharing sites can be mixed ,spliced,rearranged and otherwise manipulated to make people ASSUME that they have valid info but do not.The same goes for websites.I can make any theory i want post it here and Ill bet you in one week ill have at least 1 person believing it.If i do this across multiple websites at the same time,then ill have more than one person week believing it wont i?Then again im not some sick twisted Jihadist to do that but you get my point.
In conclusion i think the NWO is a smokescreen.A ploy to keep your attention away from whats happening and to sow confusion amongst the populace of a country.To sow dissent and suspicion of govt.If there was an NWO plot by 10000 elites ,they would have no chance against the rest of North America nevermind the rest of the world.
AL-QEADA brought down the Twin Towers and proudly admitted to it.Thats the mind a sick person or people.Just my thought.
Everyone is entitled to their own thoughts or opinions about the subject,but when people get violent then it becomes society's problem to fix it.

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 02:25 PM
HAHA The NWO is no smokescreen. Just listen to the video posted a little earlier in this thread. It pretty much says it all and makes total sense, if you have done your homework that is. Let me lay out in my own words and opinions. ehhum...

Why do you think that there are no real conflicts within the EU or within our continent? True, there are alot of insurgencies going on right now and lots of civil war, but, with the creation of a NAU, this will not change. The main super continents which are being planed as of now (EU, NAU) are the controled populace super states in which we the people spend our interest charged currencies and silently support the outsourcing and corporate profit of internationalists. The places which are war torn act as a money spending venture in which the majority of the US's dollars are spent. Remember, the more money spent by the US means more interest for international banks. They love throwing money at usless and pointless causes because they are never ending money pits. Much like the war on drugs. So while the people of the controlled populace states (EU, NAU) pay rediculous taxes and work to support corporate share holders, they can also be tricked into supporting these dumb ass crusades. No matter how "IN CONTROL" they become, they will always mantain civil wars and insurgencies to A. Scare people into doing whatever the hell they want and B. Throw more bundles of money at these wars.

Soo, with super states in place, there will always be outlying third world regions being used as a scare tactics and as vehicles to achieve some sort of financial goal. There is never one side to war. It is never just about oil, or terrorism. The elites learned long ago that with very step taken, you can tie up hundreds of loose ends at once, which is what is going on right now with this war in Iraq and the NAU.


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