posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 11:09 AM
That's what's known as a normal, Contrail.
It just happens to be lit up by the setting sun making it appear extremely bright.... nothing mysterious at all! And definately not fake... the you
can see the powerline slightly when the contrail passes behind it, it only appears to go infront of it because of a bad camera and a low resolution
video. Unless someone wants to 'fake' contrails then claim it's a UFO - then it's real.
Yes, it is moving fast, airliners go 900 hm/h. That
qualifies as fast. But abnormal? Not a chaance.
Contrails like this have been discussed in the UFO thread, but couldn't find any examples. After a quick google:
Just so blatently obvious they're normal contrails. Try running a search in the Alien forum for, "Flaming, Sky, UFO, sighting, meteor",,, and it
will always come up with the same thing.
At some parts you can hear a very loud pulsating sound. It sounds like it is coming from the aircrafts. Its propably a pulse detonation
Haven't you heard an engine brake before?
[edit on 14/6/2008 by C0bzz]