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can meditating on spiral forms induce an altered state? It would be monumental if it somehow could. The spiral motif is found in ancient rock carvings throughout the world. Did the ancients know something we don't. Is there a larger picture here that involves platonic solids etc.
"I was thinking about this myself and considered the 'frequencies' (dimensions, densities) as a tesseract, but rather than a cube within a cube, but many. I'll say 12 for now for my own sanity, we would be in the 3rd cube from the middle (3rd density), we would 'experience' everything within this 'frequency' (or cube) aswell as the other 2 we encompass. Time is not a dimension but a measurement of the expansion of these dimensions and once critical mass is reached, the birth of a new frequency. We would be 'displaced' upwards, were we would then experience 4th Density, aswell as all we encompass."
Sufism is a very interesting esoteric path.
They seem to have many of the same archetypal concepts that are shared by many esoteric paths.
Originally posted by MikeboydUS
reply to post [by ElectroMagnetic Multivers
This is something I have started to look at, not so much as acoustics and light, but something else along the same idea.
Light is an electromagnetic radiation which is a wave that as far as we know needs no medium for transmission. Sound is a mechanical wave that needs a transmission medium which can be any of the four states of matter: plasma, gas, liquid, and solid. Sound unlike Light cannot propagate in a Vacuum. Light can not only propagate in a vacuum, it can propagate through any phase of matter.
Now both of these are waves and are a type of oscillation(sometimes referred to as vibration). With sound you have mechanical oscillation and with light you have an oscillation between an electrical and magnetic field.
As waves they both transfer energy. Energy is the important factor here, without it there isn't any oscillation. No oscillation equals no waves.
What this basically means is Energy is the key factor. Energy can exist in many forms. It can be transformed. According to physics, energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only transform.
The ancient Greeks seemed to have figured at least the idea of mass-energy equivalence out and not the formula (maybe) for this long ago. This goes back to the idea of the Platonic solids and the Five Elements and to later Alchemists. The idea is that the Elements are archetypal patterns, meaning they are like the phases of matter: Earth is Solid, Water is Liquid, Air is Gas, and Fire is Plasma. All of these originate from the mysterious Fifth Element known as Aether or Quintessence. In my mind, if the first four are the States of Matter then the Fifth has to be Energy.
The ancient philosophers also saw a connection between Idea and Aether. This would lead me to think that Information and Energy have a fundamental connection. One would have to break down the word Information to really see where this could lead. In-Form-ation. In-Form means to give Form to. This is the same as the ancient Greek Eidos, or Platonic Form, which is associated with the concept of Thought.
Now we arrive at the concept of the Logos and Nous. The Nous and Logos are the same. Logos to the Stoics was Cosmic Reason. It was considered the same as Nous, the Cosmic Mind or Intellect. It gave Form to the Cosmos by first forming the Elements from Chaos. It was also considered the first emanation from the Monad, which to Philo of Alexandria, represented the Divine.
Now here's my take on it: The Monad would be comparable to what I call The Singularity. It is the Primum Movens or Prime Mover. From It the Logos is emanated, which "Informs" the Cosmos. The Cosmos is "Informed" through Energy, which is the archetype for all types of energy and matter.
Its pretty similar to your idea but tries to get to the essence of waves and oscillation, which is Energy.
I'm still trying to figure out how the Platonic Solids and geometry(including hyperspacial and non euclidean figures) all fit into the overall form of things though.