posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 12:24 PM
The courts have ruled that garbage is not entitled to privacy protections, and COP's may rummage thru your trash to look for signs of a crime. If I
were you I would stop with the porn and syringes, as that might well land you in some hot water if it is indeed the cop's doing it.
Once you deposit your trash outside your home for pickup, you have given up any expectations of privacy. Many cases have been built against people
because the cop's found some tidbits of contraband in the trash and gotten a warrant.Sick, yes...that we live in a police state and can expect our
trash to be rifled thru so some cop can bust someone for doing nothing morally wrong in the privacy of their own homes...what a sick nation we have
The Brit's, and no one loves them more than I do, have given up and roilled over...cameras all over...repressive laws and cop's that are given
powers that stagger the mind and technology that intrudes to the enth degree..Britain and to only a slightly lesser extent, Australia, have become the
nations that show us Americans what is coming here, and soon:
Guns restricted until outlawed, especially pistols...freedom of speech under attack...citizens lining up obediently for anything the government
stooges say...outright murder by the police ignored and goes on and on. Brit's are seeing the first of it, and we are next. Shame on
us all for allowing such horrid criminals as BUSH and his lapdog BLAIR and their cabal of NWO Neocon murderers and liars....these are the men that
rule the nations we call home..and they are the worst lot that one could imagine.
The poison is at the top...recall Romania a few decades ago? I do..and I recall that a dictator named Ceaucescu was dragged out and executed along
with his cronies and the people there were free....and things have gotten better there since. Sometimes it takes direct action to unseat the evil that
stains the hallowed halls of justice and set things right..and I fear that if we are not able to amass enough fortitude to clean house we will suffer
forever..our kids will curse us for allowing things to get this bad while we sit back and do nothing. Shame on us all if we go along and at least do
not protest....what have we become?