posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 03:38 AM
You're not the first to voice this opinion, and you'll certainly not be the last. Remember that ATS is a board where current events are typically
discussed. And as things are, this is election year in the "US of A". And this too shall pass. People, i.e. mostly our American friends want to talk
about Obama, his evil plan to over-throw the local Housewives club and other secrets, and there's no reason they shouldn't be able to. Staff try to
keep tabs on "Obama is the Anti-Christ" threads. We decided that we’d allow about 50 before we start closing them. (This is a joke. We try our
best to keep discussions to one thread per topic.)
And I hate to break it to you, but it's going to get "worse" come October/November.
But after all, that's what the Politics forums are for. Above Politics were incorporated back into Above Top Secret not too long ago, so yes, you'll
see those Lazy Liberals and Rude Republicans voice themselves here on ATS.
Basically it all comes down to "don't like it, don't read it"... If there's "Obama" in the title, then simply ignore the thread. A couple of
months ago the only thing any South African could talk about was World Cup Rugby (and how we wiped the floor with England). For those not interested
in rugby it was later on sickening to watch TV, listen to a conversation or read a newspaper. But, lo and behold, that is now ancient history. It too