posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 12:47 AM
Geez, what can I say?
I waw told by a Funeral home that they would pick up the body for $400.00 to transport it 200 mile here. I inquired if they used some exotic new fuel
as it would only run me the cost of around $80.00 round trip.
Their reply was that they used, "Liscened Professionals"...
I told them accourding to the Statutes of Texas regarding burial and transportation of bodies...all that is required is the death certificate and a
transport issue writ from a Justice of the Court, fee amount under $ I'd just pick him up myself from the morgue.
See they try and STICK it to you in your time of grief if you dont know any better!
Get educated on the laws/statutes in your state and save $$$