posted on Oct, 23 2016 @ 02:45 AM
I am very aware that I love death as much as birth. That is to say, they are two parts of one thing - change.
Even when I have had terrible things happen, I am simultaneously aware of a feeling of excitement co-existing with the sadness. I suspect that it is
simply our culture which pulls us to deny that other side of grief and loss, which is joy. It is innappropriate to acknowledge the ecstacy that arises
when the slate is wiped clean, a new chapter is about to begin.
I read once this is typical of Capricorns, being at the end of the year, born in the dead of winter... for whatever reason, I am aware of it, and have
no doubt that humans bring catastrophy upon themselves, because of this desire for renewal.
Not always (maybe even rarely) consciously or deliberately, more subconsciously .
But yeah, we all have a part of us that yearns for freedom and a clean slate, which battles with our ego, that prefers the familiar and the
controllable (no matter how crappy it might be).