posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 04:17 PM
"Everyone Deprogram Now" -- It's a metronome.
Now that is out of the way, back to poetry.
There once was a man from...
...wait a minute, that's not how it goes. Drop the treble.
you no nan tucket
who white breader than me
who ivy leaguer than me
who ivory tower like me
you no nan tucket
who skull n' bones like me
who rock the scroll and key
who worship owls like me
you no nan tucket
who paint murals like me
who grassy knoll like me
who apply game theory
you no nan tucket
you no nan tucket
who can hold 70,000 thetans like me
who had a million scripts like me
who got excramentaled like me
who took hyper crime like me
you no nan tucket
who got avatared like me
who got soul trapped like me
who they tried to kill existentially
southland tales was sweet
you no nan tucket
who can feed the gods like me
who can hold base like me
who can stop an e.l.e.
you no nan tucket
who will free humanity
who can heal planetary
who will declare universal peace
you no nan tucket
who can quarantine the dark
who will create the spark
for the universe to jump the shark
you no nan tucket