posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 09:54 AM
As I'm sure many of you have read. Some leaders (presidents, dictators, military officers, police, nurses, CEO'S of companies 'ENRON ETC..',
managers etc...) that carry on in this world have a sociopath mind. They are able to do things that most folks won't or can't think of doing. These
folks with-out a conscience- ( and great actors !! they are . ) can be found in the "service type jobs that deal with people - they (sociopath)
thrive in these type's of jobs and feed. Far to many on this planet. Also, there are far to many sheep (the masses) that "follow the leader" even
to their death. But, what can the normal person do? working, paying bills, worrying about tomato's. Look at the current administrations that have run
the "USA", why can't folks elect "normal like thinking folks", that would actually do a good decent job? Why do people follow the leader ? Are
the monsters in society the only ones willing to put up with the hassles of running a corporation or a city or state or country? ( look at the sheep
at a democratic and/or republican conventions, lap dogs ass-kissers, volunteers for parties that do it for self promotion' hoping to gain', falling
into the snare of the monsters) It is a world full of good people and a few that know how to make them jump., and die the few that in the past
could make a herd of Mastodons run off a cliff.
Of course there are just plain sick people out there ( brain scans show differences in there brain areas of function) that don't take or need
medication or who were just raised by evil parents or had circumstances that pre-disposed them to being a serial killer. They say most of these kind
of sociopath want to be caught. But, I think the "leader" category type of serial killer or sociopath don't want to be caught. .they want
subjugation and power, it feeds their ravenous appetite.
This will always be, since the dawn of man.