posted on Jun, 12 2008 @ 02:54 AM
As a former resident alien, working and living in Los Angeles, I've had plenty of oppertunities to watch the political scene up close and personal.
I've often wondered how come, a country as huge as it is, and with so much diversity in ethnic baggrounds, only fostered two political parties.
Here in Denmark we're a monarchy with a Queen, but she only for show. She has no govening powers. Even though her son will become King after she
dies. That same thing goes for him. A smaller version of Great Brittan.
Even though we're only a small nation, with a population of only 5.5 mill. Our goverment, which is represented by a few handfilled elected
candidates. We still have a wopping 13 different political parties to choose from.
It's inconceiveble for me to imagine any of us, having only two choices. It's almost like, it can only be black or white, no greys, a yes or a no,
no maybe's. When Bush declared war on terror, and said we taking down Saddam... looked straigt at the camera and uttered, you're either with us or
against us. Which was the "shotgun wedding" of the new age. Even though many danes, "me included" wouldn't buy into the bull# they were selling,
our goverment still signed us up. Even though several parties tried to make coalitions, they just couldn't get the majority vote. Anyway, I feel that
this sort of goverment, is the only real way to deal with issues that arises. The same parties that see eye to eye today on one issue, may not feel
the same on another tomorrow.
Someone on ATS has a quote that goes: It's to late to change things from within, but it's to early to shoot the bastards.
I love that quote, but I don't agree that it's to late. You all know this to be true deep down. Having lived with you americans for over a decade,
plus I married the hell out'a one as well. I know you're all great patriots, and you know noone can't change something sitting on their ass. Hoping
that a miracle will somehow appear, isn't gonna happen. Except maybe with total commitment. Start the miracle, by going out into the streets by the
millions, and start walking to the steps of congress, or governor mansions, official offices, sit down and don't leave. Grassroot political movements
also work, but do take time.
Don't allow Bush to start a new war in Iran. Don't allow him to kill anymore of your precieous young kids. Don't give them an excuse to kill
anymore innocent people, in order to line their own and friends pockets with gold.
If it should come to pass, that 2012 will be the big showdown. You could be standing on the other side, with a bigass smile upon your face saying: I
didn't go quietly into that cold black night. At least I went out fighting in a blaze of glory...