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"SHAR" Wins 100,000 ATS POINT Trivia Challenge! What Are Your TOP 5 Favorite ATS MIX Shows?

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posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 12:40 AM
Ok I’m not for sure if I’m doing this right. Maybe, hopefully you can tell me if I am doing it wrong or right.
Ok, is ATS MIX: atc restart. OMG>>>> Paris Hilton didn’t spend the time in Jail that they said she would of it. That much I know.
Oh you guys are funny. Talking about your games. I didn’t hear that last time cause of people talking. I caught it this time. At this point I haven’t heard agent x. So well continue. Talking about the duckstars time travel. I remember that post. LOL.
You guys are asking each other what you would change. I’m pretty sure I responded on that thread. Though I don’t remember now. Lol. So Johnny did you marry her twice?
Ha, Ha talk about Germany and Tom Cruise. Oh my gosh, LoL. That is so true. Someone is always talking about it with the Gov. However, I feel they listen in to us. I think they take and watch this sight. Now were back at John Lear. Thought I heard all of this. But, we will see again. This is where you talk really fast. LOL. Oh my nerves this time in the morning My sisters calling the dogs are barking. Noise, Noise, Noise. LOL. Ok I’m listening still. Nothing. My computer volume does not go up loud. But, I’m trying here. Still haven’t heard it though. No I didn’t hear it on one.
Ok, again going over it from the beginning. I’m sleeping. LOL> Is this the third or fourth time for this one. I don’t know anymore, LOL. Never heard it.

Its 2 cause in one it never came up. All that came up was that you can’t remember what you said. So you will have to go back and listen to 1 and 2. To see. LOL.

If this is right do I now get 100,000 pts.
If wrong ok. I'll try again.
Ats mix.
\ Show 19 – Memories Of 9/11 “WE will NEVER FORGET talking about the beautiful day. The tragedy that took place. I don’t think any of us will ever forget that sad day in history.

Show 17 – Bay Area UFO Expo 2007 VENDOR INTERVIEWS cause I took about 8 hours searching for this. LOL. I finally found all the post in one location. Looks like this is where you guys met as well as meeting John L. Lets see I heard agent x on this. Talking about different .gov stuff.

Show 16 the expo and talking to John L a lot . Talking and laughing a lot. Talk about wine a lot and learned more about it than ever before. John L and John R has known each other for 15 years at this point. I’m just taking notes here.

1 John Lear. Introducing and learning who you are. Making it the mix form. Taking the serious post and making them lighter. Learn who john is. About CIA and other government agency. Goodness you talk fast. Lol. That’s nice to finally learn who John is. I never took the time to read about him. So that was nice.

2 Cause dang gone it. It was the last one I listen too. LOL> I went from the 40’s down. Get this I went from 3 to 1 skipping 2. Arrrgggg. Then going back to 2. Cause I didn’t hear agent x in 1. I’m shocked were talking about Clinton at this point. But ok. And Jane Fonda. LOL
Oh my gosh guess who we got. That’s right Agent X…. He seems to enjoy talking in a deep voice. I think he’s someone from the Ats. He’s acting like a secret person. Hanged up quickly. The question was why are they coming here.

Im checking that thread out. Right now.

[edit on 13-6-2008 by Shar]

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 12:53 AM
reply to post by Shar

Re-read the original post. The CLUE is under your nose. Your guess is not correct with your post.


posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 01:01 AM
1. Show 82 - Jesse Ventura

2. Show SE07 - Brent Spiner

3. Show 52 - Graham Hancock

4. Show 42 - Shirley MacLaine

5. Show 54 - Stan Friedman

Here its in one of these isn't it.

Ok Here I go listening to these.

[edit on 13-6-2008 by Shar]

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 01:08 AM
reply to post by Dave Rabbit

Show 78.

[edit on 13-6-2008 by jhill76]

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 01:15 AM
reply to post by Shar

Only thing is in the previous competition someone listed show #2 and he said it was earlier than that. There is only one show earlier than that and it is Show #1 so I don't get it?

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 01:22 AM
I starred and Flagged you like it said. Was that it?


Am I right? ATS MIX: Show 2 - Jane Fonda i forgot to add the title. I remember tough.

thread here

shirley website

As you know its late. however, i'm trying again feed picture here I cant seem to make it play cause its just spinning. It might be it.

Radio first termer vietnam-Lifers are like Flies.

OMG>>>> Paris Hilton didn’t spend the time in Jail that they said she would of it. That much I know.
Oh you guys are funny. Talking about your games. I didn’t hear that last time cause of people talking. I caught it this time. At this point I haven’t heard agent x. So well continue. Talking about the duckstars time travel. I remember that post. LOL.
You guys are asking each other what you would change. I’m pretty sure I responded on that thread. Though I don’t remember now. Lol. So Johnny did you marry her twice?
Ha, Ha talk about Germany and Tom Cruise. Oh my gosh, LoL. That is so true. Someone is always talking about it with the Gov. However, I feel they listen in to us. I think they take and watch this sight. Now were back at John Lear. Thought I heard all of this. But, we will see again. This is where you talk really fast. LOL. Oh my nerves this time in the morning My sisters calling the dogs are barking. Noise, Noise, Noise. LOL. Ok I’m listening still. Nothing. My computer volume does not go up loud. But, I’m trying here. Still haven’t heard it though. No I didn’t hear it on one.
Ok, again going over it from the beginning. I’m sleeping. LOL> Is this the third or fourth time for this one. I don’t know anymore, LOL. Never heard it.

what a beautiful song she wrote.

If this is right do I now get 100,000 pts.
Ats mix.
1. Show 19 – Memories Of 9/11 “WE will NEVER FORGET talking about the beautiful day. The tragedy that took place. I don’t think any of us will ever forget that sad day in history.

2. Show 17 – Bay Area UFO Expo 2007 VENDOR INTERVIEWS cause I took about 8 hours searching for this. LOL. I finally found all the post in one location. Under the board are then ats mix. Looks like this is where you guys met as well as meeting John L. Lets see I heard agent x on this. Talking about different .gov stuff. So I like this one a lot Cause I got to meet John and agent x.

3. Show 16 the expo and talking to John L a lot . Talking and laughing a lot. Talk about wine a lot and learned more about it than ever before. John L and John R has known each other for 15 years at this point. I’m just taking notes here. But i like the fact that I'm getting to know you guys.

4. John Lear. Introducing and learning who you are. Making it the mix form. Taking the serious post and making them lighter. Learn who john is. About CIA and other government agency. Goodness you talk fast. Lol. That’s nice to finally learn who John is. I never took the time to read about him. So that was nice.

5. show 2 Cause dang gone it. It was the last one I listen too. LOL> I went from the 40’s down. Get this I went from 3 to 1 skipping 2. Arrrgggg. Then going back to 2. Cause I didn’t hear agent x in 1. I’m shocked were talking about Clinton at this point. But ok. And Jane Fonda. LOL
Oh my gosh guess who we got. That’s right Agent X…. He seems to enjoy talking in a deep voice. I think he’s someone from the Ats. He’s acting like a secret person. Hanged up quickly. The question was why are they coming here. I know to get answers to learn from us. LOL.


I dont think i won.

I give up if these are not it. I worked on these for about 10 hours now. cause its 4 am.

[edit on 13-6-2008 by Shar]

[edit on 13-6-2008 by Shar]

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by Shar


You are over thinking this. As I said.... there is a CLUE in my Opening Post. Figure that out and you should be on your way to 100,000 POINTS.

Good luck to you and all........


posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 01:03 PM
This is it for me:

ATS MIX Show #41

The ATS MIX Team finally hears from Agent-X with the October Stats.

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by Dave Rabbit

My top 5 ATS favorite MIX Shows are:

1. Show 19 – Memories Of 9/11 “WE will NEVER FORGET talking about the beautiful day. The tragedy that took place. I don’t think any of us will ever forget that sad day in history.

2. Show 17 – Bay Area UFO Expo 2007 VENDOR INTERVIEWS cause I took about 8 hours searching for this. LOL. I finally found all the post in one location. Under the board are then ats mix. Looks like this is where you guys met as well as meeting John L. Lets see I heard agent x on this. Talking about different .gov stuff. So I like this one a lot Cause I got to meet John and agent x.

3. Show 16 - The expo and talking to John L a lot . Talking and laughing a lot. Talk about wine a lot and learned more about it than ever before. John L and John R has known each other for 15 years at this point. I’m just taking notes here. But i like the fact that I'm getting to know you guys.

4. Show 03 - John Lear. Introducing and learning who you are. Making it the mix form. Taking the serious post and making them lighter. Learn who john is. About CIA and other government agency. Goodness you talk fast. Lol. That’s nice to finally learn who John is. I never took the time to read about him. So that was nice.

5. Show 2 - Jane Fonda. Cause dang gone it. It was the last one I listen too. LOL> I went from the 40’s down. Get this I went from 3 to 1 skipping 2. Arrrgggg. Then going back to 2. Cause I didn’t hear agent x in 1. I’m shocked were talking about Clinton at this point. But ok. And Jane Fonda. LOL
Oh my gosh guess who we got. That’s right Agent X…. He seems to enjoy talking in a deep voice. I think he’s someone from the Ats. He’s acting like a secret person. Hanged up quickly. The question was why are they coming here. I know to get answers to learn from us. LOL.

Agent X Challenge answer

ATS SHOW #2- Jane Fonda in that show is the first time that AGENT X ever appeared on AboveTopSecret.Com

answer 2
From your signature I came up with ATS Show #
44 – Biblical Reptilian Art With John Rhodes which goes to his website


3 rd answer. LOL all in one post maybe ones right.
ATS.MIX: ATS MIX Show 79 - Frank Warren Part 2

4th answer
ATS.MIX: 41 – Global Warming Scam, Agent X, Skeptic Overview, 9/11, Forced Vaccinations, My Space Suicide

I know this is crazy but your offline. so I'm putting multiple ones together. ok. I did a search on top 5

answer 5

ATS SHOW The Top 5 9/11 Conspiracy Theories from here theres even a video on this one. Where he could of appeared.

ats show Win 250,000 Points: What Are The Top-5 9/11 Conspiracies?

from here

answer 6

ATS.MIX: Stewart Swerdlow - ATS MIX Show 84
thread here

answer 7
ATS.MIX: Jesse Ventura UNCENSORED - ATS MIX Show 82

from here

answer 8
ATS.MIX: 54 – Stanton Friedman
from here

answer 9
ATS.MIX: 42 – Shirley MacLaine Interview

from here

answer 10
Ok went about this another way and came up with:

THE FIRST GREAT ATS DEBATE! The brackets. And Opening Topics!
from here

could it actually be here.
from here

answer 11
Stanton Friedman Interview - ATS MIX Show 54
from here

answer 12

ATS.MIX: Brent Spiner – “Data’s Dreamland” - SE07

from here

answer 13

Charlotte King - An ATS Member Requested Interview - ATS MIX Show 83
from here

answer 14
ATS MIX Guest Request Thread - POST YOUR REQUESTS HERE! Our PR Firm Will Check It Out!

answer 15
9/11's William Rodriguez Interview – ATS MIX Show 48

this one is a video of a man. could be the answer.

answer 16

ATS.MIX: SE01– Dr. Bruce Goldberg Interview

from here

answer 17

ATS.MIX: The Skeptic OverView - 61
from here


Rabbit Rain - The New Dave & Johnny Music Video
from here
you guys post pic. on this. lol
I'm taking this from the clue first appeared.
The ATS MIX boys, Dave Rabbit & Johnny Anonymous, from AboveTopSecret.Com do their version of Tay Zonday’s “Chocolate Rain”.

Is any of my answers right. Like is my top half right and bottom half wrong or other way around or none of the above is right?

[edit on 13-6-2008 by Shar]

[edit on 13-6-2008 by Shar]

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by jhill76

Sorry, that was NOT the first appearance of X.


posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by Shar

My, my, my..... Shar..... you are still incorrect but I will say this, you are the most studious and well researched person I have ever seen on one of these.

In a day or so, I will Post A Clue that should seal the deal. Since this is my 2nd attempt to award someone for this trivia question, I want to have a winner this time. Keep guessing a few more days..... then I'll post the clue that should do it for all of you.

BY THE WAY....... there might be something special for those that take the time to POST THEIR TOP FIVE even if they don't win the challenge.


[edit on 6/13/2008 by Dave Rabbit]

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 07:15 PM
My top 5 ATS favorite MIX Shows are:

1. Show 19 – Memories Of 9/11 “WE will NEVER FORGET talking about the beautiful day. The tragedy that took place. I don’t think any of us will ever forget that sad day in history.

2. Show 17 – Bay Area UFO Expo 2007 VENDOR INTERVIEWS cause I took about 8 hours searching for this. LOL. I finally found all the post in one location. Under the board are then ats mix. Looks like this is where you guys met as well as meeting John L. Lets see I heard agent x on this. Talking about different .gov stuff. So I like this one a lot Cause I got to meet John and agent x.

3. Show 16 - The expo and talking to John L a lot . Talking and laughing a lot. Talk about wine a lot and learned more about it than ever before. John L and John R has known each other for 15 years at this point. I’m just taking notes here. But i like the fact that I'm getting to know you guys.

4. Show 03 - John Lear. Introducing and learning who you are. Making it the mix form. Taking the serious post and making them lighter. Learn who john is. About CIA and other government agency. Goodness you talk fast. Lol. That’s nice to finally learn who John is. I never took the time to read about him. So that was nice.

5. Show 2 - Jane Fonda. Cause dang gone it. It was the last one I listen too. LOL> I went from the 40’s down. Get this I went from 3 to 1 skipping 2. Arrrgggg. Then going back to 2. Cause I didn’t hear agent x in 1. I’m shocked were talking about Clinton at this point. But ok. And Jane Fonda. LOL
Oh my gosh guess who we got. That’s right Agent X…. He seems to enjoy talking in a deep voice. I think he’s someone from the Ats. He’s acting like a secret person. Hanged up quickly. The question was why are they coming here. I know to get answers to learn from us. LOL.

Agent X Challenge answer
May I say zero cause its a radio and you can't appear in any of them.

[edit on 13-6-2008 by Shar]

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 08:05 PM

Originally posted by Shar

Agent X Challenge answer
May I say zero cause its a radio and you can't appear in any of them.

Sorry Shar....... wrong baby puppy.


posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 08:20 PM
My top 5 ATS favorite MIX Shows are:

1. Show 19 – Memories Of 9/11 “WE will NEVER FORGET talking about the beautiful day. The tragedy that took place. I don’t think any of us will ever forget that sad day in history.

2. Show 17 – Bay Area UFO Expo 2007 VENDOR INTERVIEWS cause I took about 8 hours searching for this. LOL. I finally found all the post in one location. Under the board are then ats mix. Looks like this is where you guys met as well as meeting John L. Lets see I heard agent x on this. Talking about different .gov stuff. So I like this one a lot Cause I got to meet John and agent x.

3. Show 16 - The expo and talking to John L a lot . Talking and laughing a lot. Talk about wine a lot and learned more about it than ever before. John L and John R has known each other for 15 years at this point. I’m just taking notes here. But i like the fact that I'm getting to know you guys.

4. Show 03 - John Lear. Introducing and learning who you are. Making it the mix form. Taking the serious post and making them lighter. Learn who john is. About CIA and other government agency. Goodness you talk fast. Lol. That’s nice to finally learn who John is. I never took the time to read about him. So that was nice.

5. Show 2 - Jane Fonda. Cause dang gone it. It was the last one I listen too. LOL> I went from the 40’s down. Get this I went from 3 to 1 skipping 2. Arrrgggg. Then going back to 2. Cause I didn’t hear agent x in 1. I’m shocked were talking about Clinton at this point. But ok. And Jane Fonda. LOL
Oh my gosh guess who we got. That’s right Agent X…. He seems to enjoy talking in a deep voice. I think he’s someone from the Ats. He’s acting like a secret person. Hanged up quickly. The question was why are they coming here. I know to get answers to learn from us. LOL.

Agent X Challenge answer

The Three Amigos Interview - The Candid History Of ATS

thread here

Dave Rabbit's Movie Interview FULL VERSION NOW AVAILABLE!
movie here

[edit on 13-6-2008 by Shar]

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by Shar

The Three Amigos Interview - The Candid History Of ATS

Is the CORRECT ANSWER. You have finally won the Holy Grail of ATS MIX Give-A-Ways.

HERE WAS THE KEY..........

Somewhere in the ATS MIX area there is an ATS SHOW

It says ATS SHOW not ATS MIX. That is the missing piece that everyone has missed for a long time (several months now). In fact, you will will NOTE on the OPENING POST at the bottom..... it says......

By the way, there is another voice in this interview. The first person to POST HERE who it is CORRECTLY, I will award 5,000 ATS points. NO WINNERS YET!

I will have an ADMIN or SUPER MOD award your 100,000 ATS POINTS.

[edit on 6/13/2008 by Dave Rabbit]

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 08:48 PM
Finally yeah I did it !!!!!!

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 09:09 PM
1. ATS MIX: 01 - John Lear = There was a part about time travel and as I was siting there I heard a name I knew well. It was my sons ATS name. I was a little shocked to hear it and even more puzzled but what he had to say. I want to thank you for making me look and find it. If it wasn't for this I would have never known.
2.Show 52 - Graham Hancock = I just love this guy. I all ways want to be a marine archaeologist. Everything about this show had my ears peeled. And I want to know what the big round thing under the water is.
3.Show 42 - Shirley MacLaine = What can I say. How can you not love this woman? I have all ways got a good feeling from her. Yes Shirley we are realy to know about ET.
4.Show 54 - Stan Friedman =What I really like about this guy is how strait forward he is. I like that he did get payed for finding that type set in the archives.
5. Show 82 - Jesse Ventura = A true great American. I am glad he is doing well in mexico. And I like his additude about the mecians coming up here to better their lives. And his is right when he said that the being the big G do lie alot.

Agent X first showed up in ATS MIX: 02 - Jane Fonda

I really want you to know that this has been a day long thing for me. When I hear 1 and what my son had said . It floored me. I did near fall out of me chair.

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by Shar


posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 02:39 AM
reply to post by jhill76

Hey thanks, I knew where to look at after about 8 hours. LOL> I just was hung up on the word appear. Thinking OK this is going to be an actual video or something maybe. I don’t know. I toke different words from his original post and kept running searches.

I searched under ATS MIX Shows, ATS MIX Studio, ATS MIX Guests, Finally wouldn’t you know it the very last one I searched under ATS MIX Information top one. Very first one there. LOL> Had I did it first as its even the first one under Ats Mix show Forums I would had it a long time ago. But, NO LOL I had to search the first one listed last.

Though I found it I thought for sure he was going to say, NO again even though I knew it was agent x voice opening up the interview. Cause I’m like still stuck on the word “appear” as in actual video. LOL. But, I toke the chance and went with it as I did a lot of others.

It was fun though.

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by jhill76
reply to post by Shar


i second that approval.

a dedicated sleuth might be a good epitath

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