Just to break the serious political discussions going on and hopefully inject some humor into the board. A buddy sent me this one and I have to pass
it on to you all. This video of Bush is probably one of the funnier one's I have seen in a while and lord knows there have been quite a few funny
Bush speeches. I'm not exactly sure when it's from, but it looks a few years old. It's basically Bush in front of the press and it's definitely
edited to make him look bad, but it's done so well that it looks like Bush is speaking honestly and clearly has no clue what's going on. Just check
it out and I think even the people who aren't Bush haters will get a good laugh from this one. Anybody else have any funny president or presidential
nominee videos? We should have a thread focused on that.
Since we're talking about funny bush videos. This one came out many years ago. Those who've seen it know what I'm talking about, those who
haven't be prepared to p**p your pants. www.spike.com...