posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 11:03 PM
About a month ago I witnessed a rather strange event, and I was wondering if anyone could share their thoughts and help me figure out what I saw.
It was out with a large group of guys about 30+ and we were doing some regular fraternal experiential learning exercises. The time was approx 3:00 AM
During an exercise I caught a glimpse of something moving to my left, so I looked and saw a silhouette off in the distance walk across a small wooden
bridge. I thought nothing of it as it could have been anybody, but pretty random at 3AM.
A few minutes later we kept hearing something in the bushes off in the distance in front of us. Again, thought nothing of it. One of my guys even went
into the bushes to see if he could find who or what was making all of the noise, but he didn't find anything so we figured it was a possum or
At approx 3:30AM I noticed a ball of light appear above the trees in front of me. Before I could even think to yell at the guys to and tell them to
look, the ball of light expanded and filled the sky above us, then contracted on itself and disappeared. The strange part about it was that there was
absolutely no noise. It looked like an transformer blew up, but there was no noise and no telephone poles/electrical wires. I know the light source
was very close because the daylight that this thing emitted fell off after about 50 yards from the center.
I asked the guys what they thought it was, but no one could draw a conclusion. One of my buddies and I went to the exact location of where we saw the
light source only to find that we were standing in the bushes. Any thoughts, ideas, comments?
I'm not claiming to have witnessed anything extraterrestrial or of the sort, just a very strange light that I hope someone can shed some light on