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Rep. Dennis Kucinich motions to Impeach Bush

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posted on Jun, 12 2008 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by biggie smalls
reply to post by centurion1211

...And you continue to defend Bush regardless...

Who is really denying ignorance? I know what this vote entails, and doing ANYTHING is better than sitting here and being shrub's lapdog.

I'll take action over stagnancy any day, thanks though.

I'd appreciate it if you would pay better attention before making accusations.

I'm not defending Bush - far from it these days. Ever really read any of my posts? What I'm usually defending is a level playing field - as in don't complain about the current attacks on Obama if you've spent the last 9 years attacking the other side. Deny hypocrisy in other words.

What I'm posting on this thread is an accurate assessment of the chances of this impeachment bill going anywhere. You obviously don't want to hear or know that, so you attack the messenger - me. Typical ...

posted on Jun, 12 2008 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by centurion1211

I do apologize if I misinterpreted your words. I'm just a little sick of politicians getting rich off the US public and the average american having no idea what color the sky is (metaphorically of course).

My words may have been directed towards you, but in frustration rather than a personal attack. I can't say I agree with a majority of your opinions, but I will defend your right to say it.

With that being said, I defend those I think have at least some idea of what's going on in this world, and don't seem to bow down to private interests. That is not to say Obama isn't corrupt; we'll find out soon enough if that is or is not the case.

Actions speak much louder than words, and this administration's words and actions have been quite appalling to say the least.

posted on Jun, 12 2008 @ 06:51 PM
heres a little conformation on what i had heard about kucinich resubmitting the articles if they are not acted upon within 30 days!

Congressman Robert Wexler, (D-Fla.), agreed to co-sponsor of the measure Tuesday. Congress voted 251-166 Wednesday to send the articles of impeachment to a House Judiciary Committee for review where it's expected to die. But Kucinich said if that happens he will just introduce another resolution until lawmakers vote on the measure. "Leadership wants to bury it, but this is one resolution that will be coming back from the dead," Kucinich told the Washington Post Wednesday. "Thirty days from now, if there is no action, I will be bringing the resolution up again, and I won't be the only one reading it. We'll come back and many of us will be reading this , and we'll come back with 60 articles, not 35."

this is what we need. kucinich needs to keep throwing this in their faces. everytime he does there will be more american and iraqi blood on the hands of those complacent political whores. Good news that he got a co sponsor also. applause for robert wexler from florida!

posted on Jun, 12 2008 @ 10:26 PM
reply to post by TheRepublic

You're right, TR....Kucinich needs to keep at it.

It's true, won't bring down Governor Bush in seven months, look how long they dogged Clinton....for oral sex!!! HE never killed as many people as the shrub!!

Cheney.....he's toast.....the pacemaker is powered by doesn't keep going. I'm not saying it, it's the head honchos of Duracell that have planned his demise.... It's true!! If you think this is an attack on the Veep, you're missing the true is the battery companies, thay are conspiring to take over the World!!!! By next Christmas, at the earliest!!!

[grumbling.....grumble....I need HOW MANY C-cells?!? Do you have any IDEA what they cost?!?.....grumble, grumble......why couldn't it be least they're cheaper.......grumble, murmer, grumble.....]

Guess I'll have to drive out to Home Depot......should have bought stock in 'em, or Duracell.....Copper Top my %#@!!! Which ones are generic????

You'll see.....between griping about fuel costs, and battery costs....well, just hope for a Merry Xmas this year!!!

Harrumph!! Weeds!!! Hate 'em!!!!

posted on Jun, 12 2008 @ 10:46 PM
Hey yall, it sure is a sad day in America to see impeachment put on the back burner and BURNT!

Yep, its over folks, yes sirrreeee its over now with the price of oil going up
and gas, and food, I gots to go hunting again with me shot gun.
Now I cant afford to get me teeth fix.

Ya maybe G-BUSH may want to go hunting with me like Chaney took his best friend hunting LOL.

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 07:34 AM

Originally posted by biggie smalls
reply to post by centurion1211

I do apologize if I misinterpreted your words. I'm just a little sick of politicians getting rich off the US public and the average american having no idea what color the sky is (metaphorically of course).

My words may have been directed towards you, but in frustration rather than a personal attack. I can't say I agree with a majority of your opinions, but I will defend your right to say it.

Thanks. Accepted. Agreed.

Both probably carrying on a similar fight, even it is sometimes from opposite sides. Here's to meeting in the middle some day.

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 09:36 PM
i dunno if they mean signatures or petitions...but the's something else.

Veterans For Peace deliver 23,000 impeachment petitions to House Judiciary Chair Conyers

www.... indybay. org/newsitems/2008/06/14/18506925. php

[edit on 14-6-2008 by ~Lucidity]

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by Animal

Nobody can beat the Republicans. They have too much money, power, and influence! Bush lost both elections, but his little bag of tricks got him the job twice! Revolution is calling!! The American people have had enough of this inflation, diseases(that can be cured - but big money from sick people prevent the cure from being let out to the public), and corruption. They're going to kill us all if we storm the White House!! Maybe we should do it anyways to prove a point?

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by cashlink

Stock up on ammo!! The government is coming!! They will kill us all to stay in control! When the disasters hit the United States, you better be ready to shoot! People are going to kill each other to survive. You sound like a guy that will be ready! I am!

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