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"Secondary Explosions" on 9/11: Proof That Bombs Were Planted In The Buildings

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posted on Jun, 12 2008 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by Soloist
So you're saying that all these officials claim bombs in the basements brought the towers down?

How does officials claiming a bomb went off in the basement equate to "that's what brought the towers down"?

posted on Jun, 12 2008 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by Griff
How does officials claiming a bomb went off in the basement equate to "that's what brought the towers down"?

That's what I was asking, please reread what was posted :

Originally posted by Soloist
Regardless, this is missing the point, the towers fell from the top down. No bomb in the basement brought them down.

Originally posted by GoldenFleece
According to you. Not according to the dozens of "federal agency" employees, police, firefighters, paramedics, TV anchors, reporters, WTC employees and eyewitnesses who were actually at the scene.

I was unaware that dozens of federal agents ,etc, were witness to a bomb in the basement bringing down the towers.

posted on Jun, 12 2008 @ 01:28 PM
Have you watched the video yet, or are you just gonna keep telling us all the things you're unaware of?

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by Grambler

I think it's really quite ridiculous that you all have such hard-ons for proving this was one, big government conspiracy. What will it get you? Where will you be, even if, by some miracle, you can prove this?

I do not trust my government in the least. However, I don't put an ounce of weight to any of these crazy theories all of you "experts" have thrown out on this board.

Suddenly someone says, "Hey, I felt an explosion in the basement". You say, "Here's proof-positive that it was controlled demolition".

You all should really get out more.

I read your article at:

I'm not impressed.

1) AGAIN, when a jetliner crashes into a massive building, even 900 feet above your do you know what to expect?!?! There's bound to be some pretty crazy things happen, like:

But before Rodriguez had time to think, co-worker Felipe David stormed into the basement office with severe burns on his face and arms, screaming for help and yelling “explosion! explosion! explosion!”
David had been in front of a nearby freight elevator on sub-level 1 about 400 feet from the office when fire burst out of the elevator shaft, causing his injuries.

So a man who just had his face burned off must have seen the whole thing very clearly? And David had been in front of an elevator shaft, eh? How Curious. You don't think that the fireball we saw shoot out the sides of the building could have also traveled down the eleveator shaft, do you? I mean, there are a lot more eyewitness reports of this happening, this, being something that's actually quantifiable, than there are of "explosions" in the basement, something that there is no possible way to verify.


“When I was on the 33rd floor, I heard strange sounds coming form the 34th floor, loud noises like someone moving and thumping heavy equipment and furniture. I knew this floor was empty and stripped due to construction work so I avoided it and continued to make my way up the stairs.” don't think this could be something obvious, like the building slowly breaking up, do you? That is what COMMON SENSE would tell you, no? Of course not. This must be some sort of black-ops team of floors 33 and 34 rigging up the final round of explosives.

You all watch too much TV.


Besides the explosions, Rodriguez also has provided testimony to the 9/11 Commission that he stumbled across one of the supposed 19 Arab hijackers inside the WTC several months before 9/11
“I had just finished cleaning the bathroom and this guy asks me, ‘Excuse me, how many public bathrooms are in this area?’” Rodriguez told the 9/11 Commission. “Coming from the school of the 1993 [Trade Center] bombing, I found it very strange. I didn’t forget about it”

He just contridicted his own "conspiracy" story there, claiming one of the HiJackers was casing the building. Why would one of the supposed HiJackers be casing the building if Big Bad W and his cronies were responsible for the whole day anyway?

Seriously people, step out of your dream world! Yes, there was a Government Cover-up, but the cover-up was in regard to how bad they botched their whole response to the event, not the fact that they committed these crimes themselves!

I have yet to see a story on this board, or anywhere, that convinces me otherwise. Trust me, I've been tempted, but if you really sit down and think about it, none of these theories are really that plausible.

Hey! Power's out in DC right now...What's that all about?

[edit on 13-6-2008 by DOcean]

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 11:18 AM

I believe this should answer your Questions..i showed this too One of my Military Friends at work. and he had a hard time Taking Heed too the Messege. *Sigh*!

[edit on 13-6-2008 by Nibru1981]

[edit on 13-6-2008 by Nibru1981]

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by DOcean
I think it's really quite ridiculous that you all have such hard-ons for proving this was one, big government conspiracy. What will it get you? Where will you be, even if, by some miracle, you can prove this?

I do not trust my government in the least. However, I don't put an ounce of weight to any of these crazy theories all of you "experts" have thrown out on this board.

Sure, you don't trust your government in the least. But you think the people who provide the proof that you shouldn't trust the government have "crazy theories."

And you just happen to remain strangely silent about this "crazy theory."

Oh wait, it's not a crazy theory anymore, ever since the "Operation Northwoods" documents were released 40 years later.

When will the "Top Secret" 9/11 archives be released?

What will you say then? That it's been "hashed out more than a few times already?"

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 12:06 PM
9/11 was a joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by DOcean

First off, thanks for entering the discussion with such decorum. Theres nothing like starting off a good intellectual discussion talking about hard ons.

Nothing I have ever said is proof positive of anything. You yourself admit that there was a coverup by the government as to how bad they botched it, so you would a agree another investigation is needed right? We can't have proof positive because the government refuses to release the evidence. If they have nothing to hide, why don't they release it? You come on here making jokes at me and saying that there is no evidence to prove it was a conspiracy, but you are willing to accept the governments story knowing that they're witholding evidence.

Where will I be if I can prove this? I have to admit these are my favorite responses. "Who cares if our government are mass murders who betrayed us, theres nothing we can do." I would be showing my proof to everyone, seeking accountability, fighting our corrupt government, and sleeping well with a clean conscience knowing that even if I couldn't change anything that I fought for everything that our founding fathers stood for.

For the record, I don't know if 9-11 was an inside job. I do know that when testimony like this comes up, and the government refuses to look into it, and the government won't release evidence, and they have lied to us over and over before, and they had motivation to allow the attacks to occur, that it starts to raise suspicions. I'm not trying to prove anything other than the fact that there is enough doubt to warrant another investigation. Or don't you think the families of the victims deserve the full truth?

Alright, you claim fire must have cause the explosion downstairs, and people were burnt, etc. which is why they could have been confused. However:

“When I heard the sound of the explosion, the floor beneath my feet vibrated, the walls started cracking and it everything started shaking,” said Rodriguez, who was huddled together with at least 14 other people in the office.

Rodriguez said Anthony Saltamachia, supervisor for the American Maintenance Co., was one of the people in the room who stands ready to verify his story.

“Seconds after the first massive explosion below in the basement still rattled the floor, I hear another explosion from way above,” said Rodriguez. “Although I was unaware at the time, this was the airplane hitting the tower, it occurred moments after the first explosion.”

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

He heard the explosion below him BEFORE the plane hit. The part you quote happened after this. Now of course you'll say this man is a liar, even though the article claims 14 people can back him up. This man is a hero who pulled person after person out of the buildings, and I can see no reason to question his credibility.

Yet as the article says, the government refuses to even listen to him. So you'll trust the government that refuses to take this mans testimony and is witholding evidence, and has lied to us over and over before, and benefited from the attacks, but you won't trust this man? Does this prove that the government did it? No. Does it prove the governments official account is wrong? Yes. You yourself admit they're lying to conceal incompetence, so why not have a full investigation with all of the evidence coming out?

You accuse me of living in a dream world, but I think I am more grounded in reality. I'm unwilling to by an explanation knowing evidence is withheld, I'm willing to politely listen to evidence from both sides of the argument, and I actually care enough about my country to seek answers. You do none of these. The fact that so many people died as a result of this attack and you are using sarcasm and making jokes is not amusing.

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 04:12 PM
reply to post by Grambler

For the record, I am using sarcasm and making jokes at you people. You people who will read an article and twist the hell out of it until it matches what you think it should be.
The fact that so many people died, simply going to work or getting on an airplane that day, thinking it would be just another day, is disgusting to me. I believe you are dishonoring the victims by doing what you are doing. You aren't doing this for're making a mockery out of what happened...
There is nothing in your quote that tells me that a blast unequivocally came from the basement. You are now taking the word of anyone who agrees with you at face value.

I'm not going to say he's a liar. I'm going to say he saw and heard things and drew his own conclusions as to what they were.

Is it not completely possible that the first "explosion" he heard was the plane impact, and the second "explosion" he heard was the ensuing fireball rolling down the elevator shafts? After all, he was 900 feet below the impact...

I give this man no credit nor discredit.

Is it also not possible that other's have gotten some of the unfortunate "light" that came out of the tragedy and he's gotten none, explaining why he's upset that no one has used his story, and no one is ocming to talk to him about his version?

Please, don't talk to me about caring about my country. I realize that this country has gone to hell. I'm not of the opinion that "it won't matter".

I actually used to believe what you do...

But after really thinking about it, realizing what it would take to put this together, realizing how much would need to come together just right, at just the right time, and realizing the people who would be involved in planning and executing the's simply not possible.

Yes there is a cover-up. Do you realize just how much is covered up in Government? Just because they don't want to release more evidence that they're all even bigger bumbling fools than we already thought doesn't mean they're hiding the fact they did it!

I'm not defending "my" government, they don't deserve such a thing. And sure there's plenty they're not telling us. Sure I'd love to hear and see what that is. But again, where's it gonna get me? Piece of mind? I don't think so. Will I start an uprising against them? Why, so the next group is even more inept and corrupt? So I can come out and say I outted the G? Nah.

If this is really what you believe, go for it. I don't. I think your theories, "your" not being singular, are a product of too much stimulation from TV, Movies and games. An over active imagination. An unfulfilled personal life and too much time on your hands.

There are much better things in life...

[edit on 13-6-2008 by DOcean]

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by GoldenFleece

Sure, you don't trust your government in the least. But you think the people who provide the proof that you shouldn't trust the government have "crazy theories."

So if someone isn't with you, they're against you? You 9/11 conspires are becoming like a religious cult...

And me one shred of evidence...hard evidence that any of these theories contained on this board are true.

dare you...

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by DOcean
reply to post by GoldenFleece

Sure, you don't trust your government in the least. But you think the people who provide the proof that you shouldn't trust the government have "crazy theories."

So if someone isn't with you, they're against you?

No, that's a quote from your fearless leader, whom you supposedly "don't trust in the least", before he invaded two countries under false pretenses.

Originally posted by DOcean
And me one shred of evidence...hard evidence that any of these theories contained on this board are true.

OMG, not another "there's no evidence" clown!

First of all, you quoted one line and conveniently ignored the rest of my post. Why is that?

Did you even bother to watch the video in this thread? I'll bet not.

What about this thread?

How about this thread?

Then there's this thread.

I could go on and on, but if you'd ever bother to look, there's so much evidence that it's overwhelming.

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by DOcean
reply to post by Grambler

The fact that so many people died, simply going to work or getting on an airplane that day, thinking it would be just another day, is disgusting to me. I believe you are dishonoring the victims by doing what you are doing...

That's a false flag right there I'm afraid. You are right that it is disgusting that so many innocent people died that day. However, many of their family and friends are asking the same questions and are of the same opinions as being discussed on this thread. If you don't believe that, that's fine, but please watch video's of the many government panels as well as the 9/11 Commission and see the family members of those died asking questions and being repeatedly either ignored or removed from the room. If anyone has a right to ask a question on what happened that day, it is the family members, and they have been rebuffed, ignored, scorned and belittled repeatedly, and that should not be allowed under any circumstances and they should be supported in every single way.

Trying to find the truth behind the murder of an innocent victim is one of the best ways to honor them, so that they did not die in vain. And the family members of those who died are trying to do that and so are people on here.

Shame on you for trying to say different. I wonder if you've ever actually spoken to a family member who is upset with, and does not agree with, the answers given by the 9/11 Commission. Would you say the same thing to their face?

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by DOcean

I have nothing to say about be disrespectful to the families, Alethia put it better than I can. I'll only add that if as you claim, you believe the government is not telling us everything, then why wouldn't you support another investigation? You say it wouldn't get YOU anywhere, but don't you think the families of the victims deserve answers?

You say you can't assess credit or discredit to Rodriguez's story, but if thats true then how can you believe our government, which has repeatedly lied to us, knowing they are withholding evidence.

Look, he clearly heard an explosion below him before the plane hit. 14 people back this up. I don't see how we can chalk this up to confusion. As far as the claim this can't be true or the media would have picked up on it , thats a joke. The media has barely mentioned even one of the 35 specific articles of impeachment against Bush, does that mean there not true. I could post all day about the corruption of the main stream media, but thats a different thread.

I won't respond to you anymore unless you are willing to cite facts, instead of just levying over arching attacks. I just want to add that for someone who immediately accused me of being offensive to the people affected by this tragedy, claiming that there is much better things to do in life rather than try to discover the truth as to why their family members died is both hypocritical, and highly offensive. I would like to see you tell someone who had a relative die in 9-11 that there was much better things to do in life than to seek answers.

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by Grambler

Did you have a relative die? Are you fighting for the truth because of the victims and families of 9/11?

Do you have any facts? Where are they? You have nothing. You have a report from a questionable site of someone claiming they heard an explosion in the basement.

Good job.

There's really no point in arguing with any of you. You don't listen to reason and you won't be swayed.

Enjoy the X-Files re-runs.

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by Alethia

You people really are disgusting and should be ashamed. You twist and turn and twist and turn people's words until you turn it into something you can use...

I never said there shouldn't be answers given. I never said people shouldn't be accountable.

My point is that, if the full story were ever to come out, you would find that our government was guilty of being vastly incompetant. You would not find that they devised the whole plan themselves.

[really, get a life]

Mod Note: General ATS Discussion Etiquette – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 16-6-2008 by elevatedone]

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by DOcean

I think it's really quite ridiculous that you all have such hard-ons for proving this was one, big government conspiracy. What will it get you? Where will you be, even if, by some miracle, you can prove this?

I'd like to thank you DOcean(Scarecrow), for taking the time to post us your angry rant that people care nothing about; your insults are like throwing rocks at the wind, they dont affect me nor does it anyone else. But just for your sake, I'll actually respond.

I find it absolutely hilarious that you would call us JOKES just because we know and believe 9/11 was an inside job. I forgive you, fore you spew all of this anger only through ignorance. If you knew what we knew you would be doing your part, in some shape or form to spread the truth that 9/11 was an inside job, and also you wouldn’t wake up with a damn smile on your face. But on a side-note, you're not only calling me us jokes, you calling hundreds of "current & former" government officials jokes, because guess what? They also believe 9/11 was an inside job and have publicly stated it.

There are men with over 30 years of military experience in intelligence and also men who worked for the C.I.A. and FBI who also support that 9/11 was an inside job; I guess they're just crazy too right? Wrong. Your government has you right where they have the rest of the nation, "brainwashed"; because you seem to have lost the ability to think for yourself. At most, based upon your speech you probably don’t even have any critical thinking skills, so how could I expect you to even investigate the real 9/11 issues?

The fact that so many people died, simply going to work or getting on an airplane that day, thinking it would be just another day, is disgusting to me. I believe you are dishonoring the victims by doing what you are doing. You aren't doing this for're making a mockery out of what happened...

If 3000 people on American soil died all in the same spot, I think its more than logical and patriotic to want to know "who" killed them and how. Mourning will be done regardless; that’s like saying a forensic investigator shouldn’t investigate how and by who a person was killed...just because it is is dishonering the victims. Surely you see how much of a poorly formed argument that is. How am I, or anyone else for that matter wrong for actually investigating what occurred on 9/11? You see, it goes back into the mindset the mainstream media has put you in, accept what we say and don’t question. "Ignorance is strength and War is peace". Every person should be investigating 9/11, that’s what every "government whistle-blower" is calling for, right along with many other physicist and engineers. Searching for the truth isnt meaningless.

But after really thinking about it, realizing what it would take to put this together, realizing how much would need to come together just right, at just the right time, and realizing the people who would be involved in planning and executing the's simply not possible.

Impossible you say? Please do your research on Operation Northwoods. Government sponsered terrorism IN WRITTING and on public record.

You obviously havnt done enough research.

Your not ignorant? You sure came off as ignorant insulting the holy hell out of people; not much of a conversationalist. And this is a "free" country???LOL! Is it? Let me tell have the illusion of freedom. Your within a prison with no bars. Currently, your country is everything BUT free. Sure you can go about your "normal" life, doing the typical American things they indoctrinated you to do, but your "rights" which are within the Constitution and Bill of Rights are damn near GONE. Bush has passed so many laws which take away American "freedom" until it wouldnt be far fetched to claim this was a fascist state.

Read up on: "The Patriot Act, The Patriot Act 2, The Millitary Commissions Act, PD511, Executive Order 199i, The National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive." And there is more! Hell with that last one its too serious, Bush is denying Congressman the ability to review his new directive which states how the government will operate after the event of the next "inevitable" terrorist attack! Can you say....Martial Law? I hope you like Germany.......

I wish there was a knob on the TV to turn up the intelligence. There's a knob called "brightness", but it doesn't work; damn.



posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 07:23 PM
reply to post by GoldenFleece
It just may have been gas/propane installations in the buildings. Even water heaters explode.

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by reject

It was computer monitors as well....

Also how ignorant to think a fireball from the 80th + floor managed to travel down the elevator shafts sustaining enough energy to reach the basement ripping peoples faces off and also ripping out marble panels off the walls in the lobby mimicking that of a bomb exploding as quoted by numerous first responders.

Wow maybe NIST can produce computer models showing this strange phenomena.


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