posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 12:56 AM
" Bush and the Neo-Con Nazis are waging war overtly and covertly for the good of Mobile/Exxon, Friends of Bush, Haliburton/Blackwater and other
assorted Multi-National organized crime outfits... The cronyism and corruption of our government has become so obvious we're the laughingstock of the
world. The whole world SHOULD be holding its collective breath that we refuse to become the Fourth Reich..." Part of what I've posted in another
thread that bears repeating here.
Whether Democrat or Republican, our political parties are owned by the NWO and the CFR money men. Safer with Bush? Are you kidding? I have one son in
the Marines, One in the Army and one in the Navy reserves; I'M missing parts and have holes. Both Democrats and Republicans ONLY lie and are frauds!
Throw them in the brig? Try them for treason and give them what all traitors get - some rope.
[edit on 6/19/2008 by SGTChas]