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im sure this will work! how to see inside AREA 51 :lol:

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posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by Earthscum
I saw a video of some old guy (can't remember his name... worked for boeng or lear or something) that said Area 51 was moved to Towilla, Utah. Google Earth shows no 'Towilla', but google search does show a hint of it.

I believe its Tooele, Utah. check it out on google earth. VERY interesting. Cheyenne, huh? Used to live there myself. frontier days. that was fun.

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 12:46 PM
roachcam? You just know that the ol' roach will survive anything, and will head for human habitation. Gonna have to be a BIG roach. Might be tough designing a teensy ALICE pack for it.

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 12:06 AM
or use a small child i dont know if they would shoot a small child maybe capture them but i dont think they would get hurt so go find a unwed teenage mother and ask her if you can have her baby raise to be a track star and have a camara mounted on a helmet and tell them to run like hell

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 02:34 PM
Lol my cat finds using the cat flap quite the challenge so I doubt she'd make it to Area 51.

I agree we just blindfold a small child, spin him around and push him towards area 51 and see what happens, if theres shots we run...........

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 09:14 PM
Well if they are just reading our ideas here and providing countermeasures then wow dont I feel special. What makes you think they would even support the notions that we post on here. They are far more interested in spying on foriegn countries and learning what their plans are. Our government cant even get their own intel correct, so I am pretty sure they are not surfing around here. Hell, if they could do their job correctly in the first place then I wouldnt be sitting in the middle of Iraq writing this. HAHA... All I have to say is, if they are reading our posts, and taking them into consideration, then once my idea breaches their security and compound I will be very happy to see them show up on my doorstep. Simply because I will have breached the most tight security in our nation as far as you all are concerned. I dont think that area 51 is as highly secured as you all think. They have the roaving "white" SUV patrols and alot of sensor equipment on the ground, but as far as jamming equipment and all that other far fetched stuff, no they dont have it. When I finally get the time and ability to head to area 51 with my idea in tow, i will let you guys know the truth. And the only way that the government will know that I breached the perimeter is if they really do indeed read this website. Guess well find out soon enough.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by SpacePilgrim

That may be all well and fine to see what is above ground, all the good stuff is 5 or 6 stories underground, accessible by elevator. going to teach the cat how to push the buttons in sequence so it will accept the code for the day, after you somehow get the code?

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 10:07 PM
I agree with Grafilthy about jamming an frequency or signal.
It's a great idea and I encourage anyone with a pussy to spare
to release one there. If someone does try this, please keep us
posted. The results would be quite interesting.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 10:23 PM
Ok I have a better idea, every member on ATS needs to donate 1 dollar to an account whether it be Paypal or Direct Deposit. Then someone who lives near the joint needs to go to a bar that the security personal frequent and offer hard cash for some sneak peaks inside the joint.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 10:43 PM
Didn't someone create the tiny "robot" fly that is used for spying. If we could get our hands on one of those.....

posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 04:15 AM
Use a ferret people, they are highly trainable and get into alot more smaller areas then cats.

I have personally watched one of my ferrets get out of his cage and go into the interior walls of my old house and not come out for days

posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by Grafilthy
Pretty sure they would use radio frequency jamming gear....Interesting though. I would think a rat would work better, and lots of them. They are some of the most intelligent animals I have ever worked with. Maybe record on solid state memory and return to a pick-up point...Willard?

You might be on to something here man... An ass load of rats with cameras on them. Just pile them up in the bed of the truck (with a bed cover of course) go to as far as you can until you see the signs and then open the bed of the truck and let nature do the rest. A few of them are bound to go that way and get in eventually. I'll donate 100.00 for it. How many rats does that buy? lol...

posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 04:29 PM
What about a chameleon ? It can run and surely can hide aha

No, in all seriousness, the best thing would have to be microscopic if you ask me, a micro spider or something so nobody can notice.Well that would be a good start no guarantee though.

I say let's hire a few chinesse free agents so they can concoct us that aha, everybody put 10 bucks and *Bam the ats spider is born and ready to take the clichés we need.

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 01:06 AM
The house cat gig is interesting because I often wonder how they deal with the vast amounts of desert critters that MUST trigger their sensors on a hourly basis.

"Sir, I have movement in gama quadrant 5."

"That's nothing, private. Probably a jackrabbit."

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 01:20 AM

Originally posted by Earthscum
I saw a video of some old guy (can't remember his name... worked for boeng or lear or something) that said Area 51 was moved to Towilla, Utah. Google Earth shows no 'Towilla', but google search does show a hint of it.

Hey Scum
You are hitting on one of the weirdly spelled town names in Utah and thats why your not finding it on GOOGLE....
Let me tell all you folks HOW to say this word......Two Ill ah.......but it is spelled Tooelle

Tooelle is a small town fairly close to the Great Salt Lake, and on the roads THROUGH Toelle you will be on your way toward Dugway (the new area 51 supposedly) Dugway is more than 50 miles from Tooelle. Scum your Utah map and road knowledge is sorta close but no cigar....
Hey come skiing Alta with me they are free after 3pm dude.... Virginia born Grandmother called it Toe Lee all the time and MAYBE this will 'splain to folks why I can seem so confused sometimes.....


[edit on 2-2-2009 by theRiverGoddess]

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