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P2P to be made totally illegal

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posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 09:00 AM
You know, those people who download stuff for free are not going to ever buy the real deal, so the person actually loses no money, no revenue, nothing.

CVopying some data that makes a movie is illegal, and i do not condone it, but those who do it either would never buy the movie in the first place or would not full stop.

They are not losing money from some one who doesn't spend it any way!

As for poor people in this day and age, I agree. Theres a social wind of change coming, and i hope these greedy ballers are the first to get burnt and made poor by it.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 09:12 AM
Movies, music, books, it is all copied and distributed in Saudi Arabia and China on a daily basis and sold legally. What will this new law do about that? Or will it only impact the internet and P2P?

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by Dan Tanna

Dan, I think for a lot of people what you say is true. But I have bought a lot of CDs and DVDs after having the chance to preview stuff online for free. The only reason I download music is to find new artists I've never heard of before, and that I won't be hearing on the radio any time soon. When I find something I like I buy it, and the only reason I wouldn't buy it is if the CD is no longer in production and I can't find a used copy.

Another thing to think about is the quality of the music and movies being made today. Look at how much of it is utter crap. Who wants to spend money on that stuff? So the idea of downloading stuff for free is probably appealing in that regard as well. Personally, I'd rather keep crap music off of my PC.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by Dan Tanna
You know, those people who download stuff for free are not going to ever buy the real deal

Not true -- I was listening to a Battlestar Galactica podcast, and was quite surprised when one of the participants admitted to downloading episodes from bittorrent! She claimed that she didn't think it was wrong, as she was of course eventually going to buy the DVDs, when available. She said this directly to the producer/creator of the show! Who, quite politically, seemed amused and expressed no direct affirmation or contradiction of her viewpoint.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by Dan Tanna

When I write a song, invent a product, shoot a movie, then I have a right to decide if it will be distributed free, or whether I will require payment for it. To take it without my permission is theft. Whether money is made on it or not. It is wrong.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 09:37 AM
The entertainment industry sure has its hooks into people doesn't it?
Now you all have to get your "fix".
What do you suppose they would do if it suddenly vanished?
Why exactly do you need them?
I do not download music.
I do not get excited about watching a movie.
I do not watch TV for more than 1 or 2 hours a week and have never needed it to keep my mind occupied. I have a life of my own.
I do spend time on the internet, mostly on message boards, and doing various research.
You know that once upon a time people were quite happy to be entertained by visiting neighbors. These days if you go to a friends house the TV stays on. I think this is quite rude. If they talk they have to do it over the sounds of theTV.

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by Ian McLean

I watch bucket loads of movies and series online, often trough P2P, during or just after they are broadcasted on tele.

I watch bucket loads of new release movies online, often going to see a movie in cinema when I liked it. I don't go and see movies I don't like or that are utter crap(like 99.9% of all movies are these days). Next to that, I'm an Aspie (Aspergers Syndrome) I have real and severe problems going to crowded places, which new release movie showings always are.

I play at least 100 PC games in the adventure, sci-fi, rpg, FPS and RTS genres per year, buy each and every one I enjoyed (unfortunately for the industries, my standards seem to be way above theirs and I only turn out to buy 5% of all the games I play a year)

I download old and new release music and buy the songs legally on iTunes when my media player shows I listen to them often, I NEVER buy CD's or albums, unless they are 60-70-80-90's albums, which I know are quality and fully worth it, because these days, by design, Albums contain 2 to max 3 good songs, with the rest of the average 13 songs per album being utter crap or rehashed junk.

I pay for whats worth my money, after testing, listening, viewing, sampling it. Imho, this is any and every consumers right and every publishers duty to make available.

There's laws against false advertisement, miss representation and the sorts, but yet the publishers can shove utter # down our throats without consequences from government, they deliberately and contiously design their products to be low quality with just enough PR elements to spin their products as the next big thing.

So the power falls to the Internet, to the People, because the laws aren't obeyed and enforced.

You try to sell us #, we don't pay, you sell us quality goods, we're happy to pay, thats the way its supposed to be.

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 03:14 AM
The solution to this problem has boycott all over it. Remember folks, money is worthless if no one uses it. Same goes for anything else. If there's an over abundance of it, or if no one uses it, it will be deemed worthless.

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 03:32 AM
To be honest if it wasn't for occasionally downloading a piece of music I would be a richer man. I have found new artists because of it and spent large amounts of money on buying their albums.

If p2p is made illegal I will almost never buy another CD again.

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 03:47 AM
So no more P2P eh? So what, back in the 80's we just traded off floppy disks at local user groups.

Of course if all the content wasnt just fluffy crap, maybe people would pay for it.

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 05:04 AM

Originally posted by Dan Tanna
They are not losing money from some one who doesn't spend it any way!

Good point Dan. They did prove that illegal movie downloads didn't cost the studios money. But, this was around 2002... I'm not sure if that study still holds up in 2008.

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 05:54 AM
I think it's funny to see "the entertainment industry is losing more and more money" the same week we have headlines about the fact that the new batman movie had the highest grossing opening weekend of ALL TIME. No movie has EVER MADE MORE MONEY in it's opening weekend - despite the fact that the average ticket price is actually slightly lower than it was when the previous record holder opened - Spiderman 3.

Honestly, I hope they do ban p2p.. Sooner or later the Corporate Chickens will come home to roost, what goes around, comes around.

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