posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 07:14 AM
I'm indifferent about his brain tumor. "Couldn't happen to a nicer guy" would be the phrase that comes to mind about any number of things.
Saw the news about him out sailin' and being healed. In watching the news, a couple of things come to mind.
He had health coverage (don't spin the crap about Federal health insurance, I was DoD for many years and had excellent free coverage) which isn't
available to most Americans at affordable rates and he arrived at some airport in a private jet and rode away as a passenger in a large SUV (Al, talk
to Teddy about carbon footprints).
An illness that most would find life changing at best and financially crippling, are being just blown off as nothing. It was like going and getting
another botox injection, covered by his insurance of course.
All this illness has done for him is free political advertisements. He has too big of an ego to realize its time to retire.