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About the ER incident

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posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 08:08 AM
I have been a longtime lurker but registered a week ago hoping to find a decent place to hang out with like-minded individuals. I am astonished at the personal attack that occurred on the ER doctor thread. He gave you plenty of detail in his post, more than I would have given, such as: his job title, city, state, job site,etc. But what happened? The attacking began. Yes, it is a conspiracy theory. I know we need to be skeptical but I am shocked that the mods wanted him to contact with personal info. Then we have someone who works for the newspaper and calls to check if the accident happened. Then we have someone [ airborne82ndscout] shouting “This is a hoax! I know! Close this thread!” yet they offer no proof and are taken at face value.
Then we go even further and ask the man for a photo, which he provides. Still not satisfied?? Why let’s continue the witch hunt and post his name/IP for everyone to see. What an invasion of privacy. I am starting to wonder how many people here are under the age of 18 because I am feeling like the only adult.
This attitude is another reason to leave:

Quoting Cowgirlstraitup7~
“How can psoting public information be illegal. Did anyone aquire this information illegally?? No I don't think so. It's not very cool, but hardly illegal. If the OP would have just contacted the mods and gave the mods the predictions then this thread would have gone a lot better than it has. Since the OP does not want to cooperate and wants to leave us all hanging for 17 pages I say all's fair in predictions of war, famine, meteor strike, pick your poison.”
And Kdial1 I totally agree…

Quoting Kdial1~
“And my point was a simple thanks for providing some sort of confirmation.

People need thanks, even if it turns out to be a hoax

Too many people are afraid to come forward because of rude people on these boards not believing a word they say.

If he does put more stuff down for confirmation it would still be criticized, He did not come on here to provide evidence to anyone or tell everyone the predictions. He came on here for a question.

He still got criticized and had to waste his time to take a picture.....

This is what turns people away from posting here...” (Amen brother!!!)

I thought people on this board were supposed to be open-minded. Instead I have seen quite a bit of attacking and declaring everything a hoax without any real reason the back up why you think it is. I am going to go ahead and leave as this is not the place for me. And I know you will say, “Good,then leave! We don’t want you here anyway!” because that is how 12 year olds respond. I have two tips for you before I go: 1. Invest in a dictionary or pay more attention to your middle school English teacher. Spell check is your friend. Try to educate yourself. 2. If you are going to attack people please have real facts to back it up. And for goodness sakes, do you have to stalk them?...please stop posting names, IPs, addresses, etc. People who post that kind of info should be banned IMO.

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 09:13 AM


posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by Nola213
Don't let the door hit ya in the arse on the way out.

Well, well...nice of you to jump in and prove the lady's point. She has made some valid comments and frankly, going by the relative merits of the two postings, I think this community would be better served with her presence than with yours.

All in my humble opinion, of course.

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by Nola213
Don't let the door hit ya in the arse on the way out.

Regretably, your opinion, in all the ways it flatters your deep intellect, is just that, one person's opinion. If you're going to be a curmudeon, at least take a note from Andy Roony and be a bit more creative and verbose.

tina, for every..ahem...nasty attitude here, there's two that aren't. It's just that the nasty attitudes get the most notice. In their pathatically obvious need for attention, they cry the loudest.

The need for validation comes in many forms.

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 11:18 AM
I don't see the problem here? all he had to do was post the predictions and be done. He didn't, now lets not help create another john titor what happened to him was arguably called for.
The guy didn't need to give his picture where he worked or any info aside from the simple one that everyone asked for. The predictions which would be proof enough. I really hope we can let it go and take heed to what happens to hoaxers.

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by tinaballerina

I thought people on this board were supposed to be open-minded. Instead I have seen quite a bit of attacking and declaring everything a hoax without any real reason the back up why you think it is. I am going to go ahead and leave as this is not the place for me. And I know you will say, “Good,then leave! We don’t want you here anyway!”

I find what you have to say here is true. How sad it is that you have only been a member for a short time, and have already decided to leave. A few of us can learn some lessons from your observations. Thanks.

I hope you reconsider not coming back.

And for goodness sakes, do you have to stalk them?...please stop posting names, IPs, addresses, etc. People who post that kind of info should be banned IMO.

I could not agree with you more on this one. I do believe the member who did that has been banned. This was the only time I have ever seen that happen since I have been a member. Hopefully it's the last. I was shocked to see that a member had the capability to get that information.

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by tinaballerina

I do agree with you that there a lot of rude, closed minded individuals, and that IMO many people post just for the sake of posting. With that said, I think that the story from the "Dr." your referring to was a hoax. Yes, some members took it a bit far but it is our job to be skeptical and not just blindly believe someones story. And I'm glad his picture was criticized as much as it was, there was absolutley no proof whatsoever by the photo Boulder posted. ANYONE could get all of the items this guy photographed. (Not to mention someone pointed out the date the pic was taken didn't make sense)

"This is what turns people away from posting here...” (Amen brother!!!)"
It should turn people away because at ATS if your going to tell us some incredible story of a psychic making predictions etc. you better be ready to back it up with some SOLID evidence...

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 04:56 PM
I do apologize if I've hurt anyones feelings though with my words.

I suppose a simple good-bye, hope you have better luck at the next forum you try, would have sufficed.

You said you were a long time lurker, you should know there is immature behavior here, and people sometimes say things without thinking. It amazes me that this suprises an adult as yourself.

A bit of advice, lighten up, learn to not let immature posters get under your skin and make you leave a forum, that if you've lurked here for a long time you must enjoy.

As far as I know no one encouraged THeEsSential to track down BoulderMD's ip, and post a name, he did that on his own, it was wrong and he was promptly banned for it.

There will always be people who shout "Hoax", before even reading the entire post, or thread. These are people who have been burned so many times before by hoaxers, they have become skeptical to everything. This behavior unfortunately is spreading rapidly here as ATS is becoming known as a skeptics forum. Imagine that. Just because we want facts, and don't believe every Tom dick, and Harry who says, they've been to the Alpha Centuri and back.

But forgive my words earlier, they were uncalled for, childish and rude. I do hope you stay.

[edit on 7-6-2008 by Nola213]

[edit on 7-6-2008 by Nola213]

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by tinaballerina

I for one hope you hang out here for a while longer. I have found myself being chewed on and I have chewed on others. I have even seen Mods insult and look down their noses at members with little to no justification for the harsh judgement.

The thread was at times vicious, but we are all here to speak our minds, we are after all just a reflection of what is out there in the world. I try to strike a balance when I can.

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 05:38 PM
Can I have a link to the original thread that started this new round of muckity-muck? The complaint sounds very familiar as I've seen much of this kind of posting so often, but, I'd like to see this new one anyway before I make any real post about it.


posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 05:45 PM
I agree with you buddy. I read things on here for ages before wanting to join up because i was scared to post. I still kinda am scared to post certain things... I don't know exactly what happened with the ER post, i logged off for one night and the next day everything had gone crazy and i'd missed it. Well done for speaking your mind tho. we all need to be like that. challenging people is fine, but sometimes it can go a little far.

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 06:02 PM
yeah, there is a line out there we shouldn't cross but...
I think I am more convinced now that it may be effective.
I want people that are intent on stringing us along for their own amusement to be afraid to post. I don't want to stroke or stoke their ego's.
Someone with a real legit case will have learned by "lurking" how to do it and how not to do it if they don't want to get flamed.
You get all of your stuff together, you start the thread with as complete a case as you have and you go from there.
The Op's that bail the minute that they start getting negative feedback are the ones that ring hoax to begin with.
I'm always looking for the break through story of our life time and so I have to waste a lot of time sifting through crap. These flamers save me time and if they cross the line, well I guess they were canon fodder.
Just my opinion on this.

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 06:16 PM
Cuhail here is the link' Enjoy.

It is intersting to say the least.

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